Has anyone had papilledema?

My doctor says I have fluid behind my eyes, I have really bad headaches… I feel like my left eye is going to pop…

Dear Friend,



Hello Shae,

I don't suffer from this condition....instead i get alot of broken blood vessels which causes bruises and also black eyes.

I think you'll find this link very helpful, as it contains such alot besides pictures about the condition.


((A large hug to you shae)) xxx

Shae I am so sorry to hear that you are having a tough time of it. I have never had that particular problem is there anything they can do to treat the symptoms? I will say a prayer for you. Big hugs.

Thank you everyone, there is just so much going on with me in such a short time… Terri thank you for the info it was very helpful…I’m just worried because I’m fighting my insurance and dont know when I will get my eyes checked… The headaches or so bad and hard to get rid of…

Shae, we are all wishing you a better day! Hope your head and eyes have been soothed, the pain has gone away!

Sending you a hug from all,


Hello Shae,

I've noticed that at times more things fall on you than others and it's such alot to cope with but i really do feel for you with your eyes swollen and the headaches....the fluid alone will put pressure into your head, being as you know what you have now i really do suggest either seeing your GP or ER and tell them how serious the headaches are because it is pressure and they should be able to help you once you say what the condition is....it's terrible with all this insurance lark for treatment and if it stops, i've know member's who have had to stop treatment because of the expense....i really do feel for you shae.

How you feeling today my friend. All my love Terri xxx

Shae Marie said:

Thank you everyone, there is just so much going on with me in such a short time... Terri thank you for the info it was very helpful..I'm just worried because I'm fighting my insurance and dont know when I will get my eyes checked... The headaches or so bad and hard to get rid of..

Hi there :).

I have had papilledema. Bear with me as I explain, I was 6 at the time. But my memory of it is one of the clearest I have from childhood. I recall that feeling like one of my eyes were gonna explode in an instance. There was so much intracranial pressure that built up as a result of this like spinal fluid. The headache for me was sensitivity to light, sounds and mostly MOVEMENT. If i even so slightly moved my head to the left it would feel like someone was taking two gigantic pots and banging me in the head with them. I would cry because the headaches were so ridiculous and I would lose clarity in my vision too.

I had probably about 3 or 4 spinal taps (lumbar puncture is the proper name, have you had one of those?) in which they drained out this fluid from my brain/eye area. I can tell you that the relief was almost immediate. The pain and headaches didn't go away. I stayed in the hospital for months too when I was diagnoised because they had trouble figuring out what it was back then. I had a fever of 103 or greater at all times. My body was just not having it.

Well anyways, fast forward, I was 7 when I got it mostly taken care of. They put me on a heavy prescription of Diamox (acetazolamide? i think its called proper) and ibuprofen. The diamox was supposed to help with the fluid build up and I think that it did the whole time? I dont remember if they took me off of it or what but by age 12, Id had a repeat occurrence and then again at 13 and again at 16 sooo. Idk. My diagnosis was changed to Psuedotumor cerebri which sounds a lot scarier that it is. Basically... you get all the sign and symptoms of a brain tumor, without the presense of an actual tumor (hallelujah! don't need that on my head :/).

Ive been on a number of things for PTC. Diamox, Topamax, Amitriptyline, Inderal, vitamin B2.... Im sorry to say that I sill have persisting symptoms even 15 years after my first ordeal with it but, there are good periods and bad ones like any other. It's hard to explain to people cause they're just like "oh yeah I get headaches too" and im like dude, if only you knew.

Hope this helps!