
Has anyone had an MRI of there brain.did you have spots on it.and what did the doctor tell you it was.I had one and i had spots.i get very bad head pain.into my left eye to back of my head were lymphnods are.thanks dee.

Hi Dee, Headaches, YES, Spots on MRI, No, not as of 4 yrs. ago, when the headaches got bad…Haven’t had MRI recently…They are in my temples, actually cause numb feeling on side of face, kinda like a temporal arteritis the Neurologist had told me back then. Prednison is how it was treated, of course, LOL…My sed rate was elevated when it was bad then too. So def. from the Autoimmune, not like a migraine type headache…Did you have spots?? Thoughts that was seen w/ MS?? What were you told?? Suzie :0)

Hi SuzieD yes i had spots 2 years ago but doctor never told me.when i went to the neurologist he asked why didn’t i come back but when i was seen back then they said MRI was fine they did not see anything.now he tells me that there gone.but my headaches are worse now than ever i run fevers cant sleep i wake up with these headaches neck pain also my throat swells.I have been asked before if anyone has mention MS i do have the symtoms.the neurologist i had back then left.so i have this new one .he has me on nortriptyline 25 mg 3 times a week dont want them they are an antidapresant and i already take zoloft.and maxalt i feel like i am getting worse.get lightheaded also.swets don;t no what to do anymore.don;t understand how you can have spots one time and not nexted time but my head is worse and my eyes .well tell me what you think.

Suzie D. said:

Hi Dee, Headaches, YES, Spots on MRI, No, not as of 4 yrs. ago, when the headaches got bad...Haven't had MRI recently...They are in my temples, actually cause numb feeling on side of face, kinda like a temporal arteritis the Neurologist had told me back then. Prednison is how it was treated, of course, LOL...My sed rate was elevated when it was bad then too. So def. from the Autoimmune, not like a migraine type headache....Did you have spots?? Thoughts that was seen w/ MS?? What were you told?? Suzie :0)

wow—i guess this shows that we have to be on top of things regarding our care–we cant expect docs to advocate for us or even divulge all pertinent info.

about here today gone tomor effect—that is the thing that drives me crazy about lupus—how a test can be pos one day and then neg the next and back and forth