Flares and Emotions

Every time I’m in a really bad flare my emotions/feelings seems to be heightened. I’m pretty good at dealing with everything but when I’m in a flare I could cry buckets of tears and I’m so sensitive to anything and everything. Anyone else experience this?

Gosh, I could have written this myself :slight_smile: overwhelming so!

O boy I agree! Thank God I don’t get angry!

Yes, and sometimes my menstrual cycle is brought on early when I am experiencing a bad flare for longer than 2 days. The flare will subside, but, the effects of my menstrual will last for almost 8 days. My doctor gave me medication to stop the prolonged menstruation and heavy flow. I often wonder if the two are linked. Thanks for the post you made me think about it.

Yes!! And I have an Irish temper. When I start getting grumpy and mean, my family now knows to remind me to take my pain meds. I will wait to long to take something stronger than ibuprofen. My pain management doctor is great and has given me tools to help manage my pain. But flares are still flares. I get so angry and frustrated by the pain. It’s not just you.

I’m the same, usually I’m quite good at putting on a brave face no matter what’s bothering me but when I’m In a flare I’m an emotional wreck! I burst Into tears over the tinest thing or nothing at all sometimes! x

Absolutely. The worse we feel or the sicker we get, the more sensitive we become emotionally, but I also get hyper-sensitive with my 5 senses. Light is to bright, noise is too loud, tastes are too strong, hurts to be touched or have tight or rough clothes, smells make me crazy, etc.

I think that is part of the flare because we feel so bad! Hang in there!

Yes, and I warn DH that I'm grumpy!


I find I'm hot tempered & bitchy during flares. If it's a bad flare I don't want to be bothered & go lie down. I like to be away from people & noise. It only makes sense that when you're not feeling well you not in a good mood. Everyone handles stress differently. i think crying can be therapeutic

I only have 2 words..... LUPUS SUCKS!!

Today is one of those days for me......everything is getting on my nerves!

I have to say that the steroids that I usually have to go on have big impact on my emotions. When I am told by my doctor that I am in a flare, and I ask him how long he thinks it might last and I can see that this was a stupid question..... That is when I want to just ball my eyes out. Another thing that puts me in tears is when others don't believe me when i tell them that I am not well and they don't believe me. W"OW! that's a doozy. There are so many contributing factors to the emotional roller coaster that we are on when flares come up. There is that hopefulness that while we are "flareless" that maybe we don't have the disease anymore. I build up some kind of false hope that maybe my remission will last a very long time. And then BOOM! BANG! Back to sqaure 1. Well, no other choice than to pick up ourselves up..... dust ourselves gently off... and Live and let live. Well, there is another choice, but pushing posies is not my idea of another choice.

Take care of yourselves.... everyone.

Hi!, well that’s part of his Lupus stuff I myself has come to grips that ther is nothing really to do , and I also take antidepressants !!lol. Sleep helps me - the get away and start over…Beverly L.

Thank you all! It feels good to know that I am not alone and/or going crazy!!!! :)

Just coming out of that mode. I was going, going, then poof! I was so gone. I cried, got mad at my body, pity partied for a good part of the night. I talked it out with my man, the one in heaven and the one on earth. It was cleansing t just talk about it, don't fix it, just let me get it out.

Then I saw I needed to make better time for me, more rest periods, pace my work load, laugh and be gentle on myself. We are human and feel.

By morning I was ready to take on the world, but at a slower pace. And that's ok to be a little slower, a little more gentle and loving t myself.

Find a good listener, you've got a bunch right here.

Peace to you.

I understand you so much the past few days I have been a mess when I have those ,my mental status is all a wreck, being bipolar and having PTSD, I go into a panic attack and manic and I am just losing control, I am dealing with a lot of stress ,plus I have Sjogren's syndrome and went to doctors and she said my Sjogren's is the worst she's ever seen,this just adds to my stress which adds to my pain ,it's like an ends circle, hopefully the can come up with a cure. I hope you started feeling better soon

I'm definitely down when I feel a flare coming on.... someone can say something and I will take it the wrong way, and a good cry in the shower makes me feel better...

OMG I get the same way and no one understands when I ask them to lower their voice or when I just want to be alone in the dark.

Sheila W. said:

Absolutely. The worse we feel or the sicker we get, the more sensitive we become emotionally, but I also get hyper-sensitive with my 5 senses. Light is to bright, noise is too loud, tastes are too strong, hurts to be touched or have tight or rough clothes, smells make me crazy, etc.

Im the same way but hey it doesn't hurt anyone to cry a little every once in a while (: