Feet swelling at night?

The last couple of nights, I've noticed my feet swelling towards evening. Usually after I've been sitting a little big. They also feel a little sore.

I was wondering if this is a possible symptom or small flare up ... worth writing down to mention at my next appointment?? I'm still waiting for bloodwork results ... no diagnosis yet.

I’ve noticed swelling when I wake up in the morning. I have swelling in hands, feet and eyelids. Goes away
by late afternoon. Let your doctor know. I’m going to see my rheumatologist tomorrow and will ask her. Will follow up with you on what she says.

I am having the same problem. In the last two weeks, my feet are swollen by night and are sore to the touch down my my toes. The swelling in the last few days has not gone away over night. I am seeing my Internist today and will report back.

It is something to report. My swelling was a symptom of a heart condition agrivated by the lupus. Another pill to take but that one is what keeps me alive

Report it to your dr as it might indicate circulatory issue. Don’t really know if flare or not tho

I think mine is due to some fractured bones. I just had an xray and will know tomorrow. Mine is mainly in one foot..

There also some blood pressure Meds that can cause ankle and foot swelling. Definitely mention it.

I have lupus in my feet. It has been years, and I can only wear flip flop for the last few years. Myfeet are bright red-my doc told me they could be on a magazine cover.phu There are no circulatory issues. I can’t really do much of anyhing because I live to keep then unswollen. By night time, they are usually very painful and they always swell. The last tme I saw my beautiful unswollen feet I ended up in the emergency room being treated for dehydration- a new diuretic.fb
This woni’t happen to all of you but you might want to have it on your medical record. And if it does happen to you, there isn’t anything that they’ve been able to do about it for me. It has taught me patience. It is so weird all of the things that lupus can cause to help and then your body, and everybody seems to have a whole different experience. I didn’t know other lupus people got swollen lupus 'feet so I’m really interested to know that. Lupus is like living with a terrorist controlling my body. It’s waking up

My feet swell toward the end of the day depending on the amount of time my feet have been down, and particularly when the weather is hot. Is your swelling new? Hot weather also makes my hands swell, too.

it's something kind of new ... my feet will swell if I'm sitting too long, like say at a movie theater. But I'm also just barely under 5' so sitting in regular chairs is very uncomfortable for me.

No swelling last night, so who knows :)

It could also be circulation problems. I know that some people who have lupus will also have APS which can cause the blood to clot. I used to have swollen ankles and feet for months at a time before I was put on blood thinners. It's something to look into. I hope you get an answer as to what is causing your swelling.

I've had this problem on and off for awhile. My feet only get swollen at night, bright red, feel very hot, and are extremely painful. I've mentioned this to my doctor several times and she says she has no idea. Something has to be causing it. It's interesting to know others have this weird problem too. It's not a symptom at the top of the list in terms of interfering with life but it does keep me awake some nights it's so painful and I'm curious to know what is going on.