Swollen feet and legs

Hi everyone, sorry I haven’t Been very active lately, but this disease has been kickin my butt . I was wondering if anyone has experienced extremely swollen legs and feet without kidney involvement before. I don’t eat a lot of salt but I have been swelling like my two toxemic pregnancies and it is scaring me. My kidney labs have been good so far and it has me puzzled!! I would love to hear if anyone has experienced this before and what their doctor had to say about it…as mine just prescribed LASIK without an explanation . Hugs to everyone in this support group!! You have taught me so much!!

My lower legs and ankles have been swelling like crazy! My labs are good so I am not sure why either. It’s been going on for about 6 months. Wish I could be more help.

Mine have been like that for several years now. I am on a mild diuretic and they are still swollen. I was told it is lupus and to drink plenty of water. Labs have been okay and the doctor I do trust told me that it is part of the disease.

Mine have been for several years. I do have a lot of ulissues with my kidneys but the function of tgem has been great. I was given a pair of compression socks at the hospital back in 1996 after I hady spleen removed, full stomach surgery so I was gutted sadly. I still have that original pair, believe it or not lol. I havereceived more throughout the years and they work wonders. They are basically for circulation but make sure to get a good size for yourself because if you become too swollen, it could be an issue. Elevate you feet above you heart to increase circulation if you can’t get socks. Remember, swelling is part of inflammation so this could happen from just plain old having lupus. I also experience tgis issue i. My fingers. They get so swollen that my knuckles wrinke and I cant fit any rings, so I don’t wear them. I mainly experience the swelling in the morning time.

It happens to me if I have been in a sitting position for a while. I have to take my shoes of as they squeeze tight. It helps if I can elevate my feet. Not always possible like when at the movies or theatre. I’m not old and I don’t look ill, so I imagine people would think I’m just rude if I put my feet up everywhere I go.

I deal with the same thing. After testing there was no problem with my kidneys. Naproxin/naprosyn seems to make me swell more. I also notice the swelling being worse when I am having a bad day and I am taking several percocets. The scary part I am afraid of is if I begin to start having problems with my kidneys it will go undetected
because the swelling being a problem to begin with.

I am having this exact same issue. My Rheumy said its part of lupus. I take Lasix also. It doesn’t always help though. I try to elevate my legs but sometimes it’s just not possible. It’s most frustrating when the only shoe I can put in us my slippers! How embarrassing! My kidneys have been fine so far too. I guess it’s just inflammation. Why there and in my hands I don’t know.

I’m just wondering if we can possibly have kidney problems without the test showing??? That is what worries me. They still are finding out about these kind of diseases and they are ever changing. The swelling that occurs is severe and you are right about the LASIK, it only takes it down a bit. It hurts so bad…I just wish that they knew more about what is happening inside our bodies.

I get a lot of swelling in my legs and hands the most. Sometimes they feel like there's a layer of water added to them, very squishy. It's usually the worse after being on my feet too much. I sweat so much that they go down some later in the day but mornings are a bear for me.

I also suffer from this as well. I notice it if I have had extra sun exposure even if I avoid the sun as much as possible.

GP called it "venous insufficiency." Ankles on both legs are really swollen and the left leg from the knee down. A friend jokingly calls them "cankles" where the calf and the ankle are the same size.

He prescribed lasix, but it's too much because I have to go every hour. However, he told me that I could wear the pressure stockings and not have to take Lasix. The Jobst stockings available at my HMO's pharmacy cause muscle spasms in my lower legs and feet.

Does any one know of an OTC brand that's better? I know the heart patients get TED hose, but you need a Rx. They're supposed to be really great.

You've got to hold on!

I experience this every summer, something to do with the heat. starts in late May and goes away on its own around October, my doctor had no explanation either. Like you I dont eat alot of salt and have no kidney involvement. I use the lasik in the summer to keep it under control and go off it when my feet start going back to normal. Oh you might try reading labels when I started doing that I found there was added salt in some foods I would have never suspected. Good luck and God Bless

Did your doctor order a 24 hour urine test that gives the most accurate results

shan said:

I'm just wondering if we can possibly have kidney problems without the test showing??? That is what worries me. They still are finding out about these kind of diseases and they are ever changing. The swelling that occurs is severe and you are right about the LASIK, it only takes it down a bit. It hurts so bad....I just wish that they knew more about what is happening inside our bodies.

That’s a great thought she just ordered a regular UA, I will go back to her and ask for a 24 hour UA. Thanks for that Julie.

I was wondering the same thing. I also have been very active lately with having 2 exchange students living with me. That recently my left leg is swelling a lot. I don't eat a bunch of salt and drink much water but why does this happen. Should I go to the doctor and have her check it out or just stay off my feet? What do you say?

This is to lupus sucks. I would definately go the your doctor. It is not normal to swell like this. That way they can run some more tests on you. Things change with us so much that if your. Labs are normal one time they could be way of another time. It is scarey stuff though. I feel like my whole body wants to shut down and the swelling hurts so bad I just want to cry. Good luck to you and hope you start feeling better quickly!!

You mentioned you don't drink much water. That's not a good thing with lupus. Drinking lots of water during the day is essential in flushing out your body of stuff you don't want. Drinking water won't cause swelling but helps to get rid of it as odd as that sounds. You should have it checked for any kind of circulation issue. Good luck with it!
LupusSucks said:

I was wondering the same thing. I also have been very active lately with having 2 exchange students living with me. That recently my left leg is swelling a lot. I don't eat a bunch of salt and drink much water but why does this happen. Should I go to the doctor and have her check it out or just stay off my feet? What do you say?

Hi, take breaks !!!! Relaxing from time to time during whatever you are doing . it is okay to enjoy the moment of being able to do things , and am not say don't , just remember to RELAX!!!! Also get you some comfortable shoes

My feet and legs are extremely swollen. I drink a lot of water and I am not excreting it either. My normal is running to the bathroom a LOT. I have friends that tease me they have never seen anyone use the bathroom as much as I do. The last week or 10 days it is the opposite. Yesterday we were at a wedding and the entire day from early morning to 10 pm I went 3 times and I drank endless amounts of water and iced tea. I can only drink so much water before I get sick to my stomach but not lately. Anyone ever have this?