Elbow pain!

good morning all. I've been up since 3am. At that time a sharp knife like pain hit my right elbow. I tried to ignore it but that wasn't happening. I got up to take some tylenol. While the worst of the pain has subsided, my right elbow hurts when I use my arm as well as my right wrist. I've had "tennis elbow" and this doesn't feel like that. Even typing is killing my elbow. Who knows, maybe it is "tennis elbow". Is that normal with lupus? I have errands and I have to have my mom drive me around. I feel terrible! Hope you're having a better day

Hello nates tired mom,

Before i was diagnosed with Lupus in 2008 i had it in the right elbow and this crap doctor i moved with treated me for tennis elbow rubbing gel on, it stuck with me for over a year and SNAP i have it now in the left elbow and into my wrist it does hurt i've add it for nearly 2wks...it is Lupus mimicing tennis elbow and it sounds like your Lupus is very active in your body because as it moves around in our bodies it lodges pain where it wants and all you can take is painkillers etc to help it, it will only go when it's ready.

I know how your feeling as i'm finding it hard just to lift my arm slightly but Lupus is known to mimic many symptoms, it even mimiced ringworm all over my body at one stage.

Hugs Terri xxx

I just called my rheumatologist about this. I just know he's gonna put me on steroids. He tried a couple of weeks ago when I complained of back and feet pain, but I declined hoping things would get better on its own. Boy was I wrong! I'll let you all know what happens. Thanks for the good thoughts :)

Thaks for updating we mate and best of luck with the steriods if you have them...i won't touch them myself through past history of steriods for another reason.

Take care and update we when you can Terri xxx

nates tired mom said:

I just called my rheumatologist about this. I just know he's gonna put me on steroids. He tried a couple of weeks ago when I complained of back and feet pain, but I declined hoping things would get better on its own. Boy was I wrong! I'll let you all know what happens. Thanks for the good thoughts :)

Just like I thought, another bout of steroids. Here we go again...

Sorry to hear this, i'm hoping the iburophen help me the doctor's put me on but it is murder to move your arm.

All the best with the steriods and thank you for letting we know...update we and let we know if the steriods help.

Hugs Terri xxx

nates tired mom said:

Just like I thought, another bout of steroids. Here we go again...