
My elbows, knees and ankles hurt so much today!! I can hardly straighten out my arm. And to top it off I think my lymph nodes in my armpits are swollen cause they hurt really bad. I was hoping November would bring better days but so far all it has brought is pain, rashes, and dizziness. I see my medical dr tomorrow then the allergist Tuesday. I am out of work till they say it’s ok for me to go back. I don’t see the Rheumy till November 18th : ( I am on prednisone what can I take for the pain since I can’t take my 600 mg Motrin?!?!

I’ve had to see pain management finally because I have degos in my intestines and NSAIDs are a no go. ANC I’m already on extremely high doses of IM steroids. So I take morphine ir, 15mg up to 3 a day. It seems to work well without the highs and lows of other narcotics. And since I have a 3 year old, that’s good. That’s what I use during a bad flare like I’m in now. Regularly, I use Ice, moist heat for elbows. Try Tylenol. And midol has a formula that has no NSAID. I forgot the specific name. But it’s a period medicine by midol with no NSAID. So no ulcer trouble. It helps a lot.

Nicole, you are not alone. I'm having tons of arthritis and connective tissue issues, and last day of October the dreaded painful lymph nodes came to visit, yet to ease up. Very glad you see your doctor, and then rheumy soon. Sounds like you are in a flare. Rest, de-stress, and self comfort measures like heat on my joints are helpful. Got to love the microwaveable mittens and slippers! I hope you are feeling better soon. warm hugs!

Thanks for the wonderful tips guys I’ll try anything at this point!!

I have found that Tylenol for arthritis works really well for my pain.