Back after a while away

Hi Everyone!
I have been away for a while, working on my jewelry company. But I’m back and in need of some support. My rhumy still hasn’t made a clear diagnosis, although my GP is certain I have lupus. I’m frustrated and very depressed lately. My fingers hurt so bad I’m finding it so hard to do my jewelry, or anything else for that matter. I’m feeling very alone as no one in my life really gets it. Any advice, support or comments are greatly appreciated. Bless you all.


Hang in there. It took a couple of years for me to get diagnosed. If your GP truly feels that you have lupus, talk to him/her about another rheumatologist. My blood work was borderline and sometimes negative, I persisted and finally was ruled in and treatment began with Plaquinil , I was in remission after 2 weeks. I did not want the diagnosis but knew my own body , I knew there was something else going on, not just "having a low pain tolerance, overworked, young mother, sleep deprived, etc....." that I was told.

It has been many years since my diagnosis, 23 years, but I can remember the aggravation that I felt when I felt alone. I also find that some people seem to understand but most do not. That is why a support group like this is great. You are never alone, people truly understand your concerns, remember this at all times. Educated those closest to you, and turn them on to the website, if only to read how this effects everyone. Good Luck!

Hi Michelle,

It is frustrating! I understand perfectly. I too make jewelry and my fingers will get so painful. My rheumy had me tested for carpel tunnel and found I had it in both wrists. He suggested I wear the braces at night while I sleep. My fingers do not hurt near as bad. I was surprised it would help with fingers. It also helped some upper arm bone pain I was having. Hope you feel better soon!

Gentle hugs,


I can’t stress enough. Find a doctor that will diagnose lupus. I spent,seven years being treated for everything shots iv ect. My new doctor say I am text book lupus. For the first time I have hope an a chance.
hang in there

After years of being suspected of having SLE, I have finally been diagnosed by a Rheumatologist. However, my Cardiologist does not believe it and my Internist is doubtful even after initially testing me for it 10 years ago. Find a Rheumatologist you trust and go with it. My family doesn't believe the diagnosis either. It is hard.

Hello, Welcome back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smiles and hugs are here for you. And understand that we all here have the same thing at times and that's my BIG part right now is HOLDING anything . My hands just drop whatever am holding. I want to work sooooooooooooooo bad but know that i can't stand , hold nothing limits this from happening . But with the grace of GOD , something's have came under control for me , and working will never be that again . Us, Lupuies are confind when we know what is going on with us - sad ? Yes!! i feel as though the GOVERNMENT should invent jobs for us. Prayer's and smiles go out for you.....Beverly L. Hang in there