Does anyone know what this is?

I had this weird rash on my leg yesterday. I was short lived but very noticeable. I was outside, but it was late afternoon and I was careful to apply sunscreen and avoid direct sun. It only happened on one leg.
130-image.jpg (2.23 MB)

Does it itch?

Not at all. I wouldn’t have even known it was there if I didn’t see it.

It looks like livedo reticularis to me.

This is a better picture (if it will attach this time!)
131-image.jpg (2.04 MB)

Yes TJ this has happened to me.....I have had also on my feet and it burned so much I could hardly walk....I put on cortisone cream and it got better on my leg...but I needed to raise my prednisone for a little while for my feet...odd things happen but this may never happen again...or if it didn't happen to me often...This is one of many mysteries of Lupus...feel better Zuppie

I get the same rash but mine is always on both of my lower leg. My ra doctor said its caused by lupus. I cannot remeber the exact name but it starts with an e.

I get this also but I get it when its cold. My rheumy says it’s livedo reticularis. It doesn’t itch or burn it just looks funny. Sort of reptilian. Mine goes away after a wild on its own

I get this also but I've yet to see a rheumatologist to get a formal diagnosis, I'm still working through a regular physician and will until she understands that whatever this is that they can't find that I have is probably beyond her level. Anyway, I get the red mottling on my legs when environmental conditions are very hot, like wearing dark pants and sitting in sunlight. I get a bluish-purple mottling when my legs are very cold. The other people posting have said it also but from what I've been able to learn on the internet so far is that it looks like what is called livedo reticularis. When I get it, my legs don't itch, they just feel very, very warmish/hot or cold, depending on the color of the mottling and very tingly. I can see the pattern under my skin regardless of whether my skin is overly hot/cold but it doesn't bother me unless I do get my skin overly hot/cold.

I keep getting that rash also rheumy says its a lupus thing . Them to get like bumps when i flare i will post a pic with me they biopsied it and it was linked back to my lupus

Thanks everyone! I wasn’t sure if I should call the doctor or not. It is completely gone now, so I will just show her the picture at my next visit.

I noticed the last few weeks I get this after being in the sun. I get it on my feet arms and back. I’m going to doctor tomorrow

Kawena321, let us know what your doctor says!

I've seen it before. It's called mottling. Mottled skin, You can Google it, but basically it says that lupus is a major cause of this, which is also (as said before) livedo reticularis. This page is where it says Lupus can cause it.

It would be interesting to know what happens in our body to cause it.

I've had this for a very long time, livedo reticularis, the rheumy said its caused by the lupus, the hematologist says it because of the anti-phospholipid syndrome, the rash could be indicative of a circulatory problem, it doesn't hurt to check it out, its unsightly at times, but it never really bothers me.

Thanks Sheila, I looked up the link and that sounds like what it is.

Do any of you that have this also have raynauds? I have been a little worried because my raynauds has always been bad, but this past year it seems to be spreading. My leg from the knee to my toes will turn purple. My rheumy says it is just the raynauds, but after reading a little more about this, I wonder if it isn’t my circulation? Not trying to read too much into it, but I have been VERY short of breath lately too.