Anyone else had a fall before? Is it connected to having lupus?

I did it again. Made myself worse. A simple shower. Getting out carefully, I fell. 6 hours later, every part of my body hurts. Not so sure I don't have a few more than bruised ribs, and some pulled muscles.

bathroom being made more safe right now - grab bars, and waterproof no slip strips for in the tub bottom.

Do people with lupus have issues with falling, in general? If so, what has helped you to avoid it, please share.

Be well and safe. thanks.


Have you gone to the er to make sure nothing is broken? I have fallen a couple of times but it was do to the degenerative joint disease in my hip. As far as the house goes I do not have throw rugs on the floor and I have the things you mentioned above, I do not own a pair of heels my shoes all have nonslick bottoms including my house shoes and their are little night lights in the hall way so my mother and I can both see at night. Hope you are feeling better soon.

I have fallen more as well (never had these issues before), haven't connected it to the Lupus but now I'm wondering if its worth mentioning. Had a bruised purple and black thigh for weeks and the pain was crazy. I hope you feel better.

if anything broken, is hairline fractures to ribs (they no longer tape you up, just tell you go slow and rest) and perhaps wrist and hand damage, and strained back muscles. ER for me on Saturday night> no. minor care opens in 5 hours, so if I need to go will be then. They can xray.already on muscle relaxers and something temp for back pain. One side of my body is raidly getting worse - it happens. cane coming in I ordered in a couple of days. hope it comes with bubble wrap. I need padding I guess. hugs.

purplebutterfly said:

Have you gone to the er to make sure nothing is broken? I have fallen a couple of times but it was do to the degenerative joint disease in my hip. As far as the house goes I do not have throw rugs on the floor and I have the things you mentioned above, I do not own a pair of heels my shoes all have nonslick bottoms including my house shoes and their are little night lights in the hall way so my mother and I can both see at night. Hope you are feeling better soon.

kawena, Iwas just wondering because fo all the joint and connective tissue issues that I have with this wolf o a disease. It is easy to look around and blame everything on lupus, when sometimes it is something else entirely. falling apart is all maybe, plus early aging. bummer.

hugs, be careful

kawena312 said:

I have fallen more as well (never had these issues before), haven't connected it to the Lupus but now I'm wondering if its worth mentioning. Had a bruised purple and black thigh for weeks and the pain was crazy. I hope you feel better.

I will mention at my next visit. I also get these tremors with the right hand and arm, dont know what that’s about either. It’s crazy the way things happen to this body.

I fall alot more too but I usually blame my Raynaud’s. alot of times my feet will get so cold that they are numb but painful. I hope that made sense. Lol. I’ve pulled lots of muscles but the big oooops was last summer. I went outside to cover out pool and my feet were numb from the ac. Well I fell in the yard and fractured my tibia at the knee. Now I am probably over cautious when I’m walking. I hope you didn’t break anything and that you feel better soon.

I have fallen a few times. Once, last year, my husband found me on the floor and said that I was unresponsive and he called 911. I could hear him yelling at me but I couldn’t move, couldn’t talk. I had bee really pushing my body working outside and cleaning house. This was before my diagnosis and after I had been told by several doctors that it was all in my head. I was so frustrated that I just kept going until I literally couldn’t go anymore. I have also fallen from tripping over something when I was off balance. The dizziness and balance issues come and go, both in frequency and severity. It is pretty bad right now, maybe partly because I overdid it yesterday. I have gotten to the point that I will just sit if I feel unbalanced or really weak.

Yes, I stumble and sometimes fall right over. It is neurological manifestation of lupus.

My vitamin d levels are good so I don’t think that is what is causing it in my case.

Yes, I fall all of the time. I've cracked ribs, broken toes, sprained ankles, knees, wrists, etc. Part of it might be due to the meds I take, but I think the SLE has a lot to do with it. I have to be careful all of the time no matter where I am. My breasts have been bruised from my running into walls in the house....unreal!

I'm 50 years old and hope to not fall and break a hip!

I have been living with lupus since I was 7 and I am 43 now. I have not had falls but I do have dizzy episodes and if my joints are really bad it makes it difficult to maintain my balance. I have a bunch of other issues as well though so it’s difficult to know if it’s the lupus or something else like my low blood pressure. I do have a difficult time after I shower and I have to lie down after I dry off. Not sure why, maybe the temperature change? My mom suffers from RA and she has had some bad falls but hers were from TIA’s. In her case they were ocular ones. She’s normally extremely active, walks every day, gardens etc… However she is in her 70’s. I would definitely make sure nothing is broken and check with the pharmacist to make sure medications aren’t interacting. I hope you figure it out.

Julie? I looked up reactive arthritis and Reiters, and match up with a big protion of signs and symptoms. Could you share with me what kind of doctor made your diagnosis?

I just had a lower spine MRI done, that came out clean (despite former ones showing osteophytes, congenital stenosis, nulging discs, and DDD) so something isn't right will sort out with doctor first thing this morning, proceed from there.

Like you, have been through inflammatory, not infection caused, uveitis several times, arthritis head to toes, literally, began in my teens, and my diagnosis list include fibro, myofascial pain syndrome, movement disorder, won't bore you with the rest. I'm concerned my joints and connective tissues are deteriorating very quickly. I no longer see walking easily as a given. If I wasn't such a medicine pickled hard head, I would not be moving at all. The pain has nearly made me pass out from sacrum area, but feels like SI joint may be popping in and out of place. or I have some kind of fracture situation. Sure feels that way. Have broken enough bones beginning at age 12 to know what it feels like. Nothing relieves the pain, and it increases with movement, even non weight bearing. Far too young for all of this, but think the lupus wolf has been having at me for several decades.

thanks for responding. be well and happy.

jujubeee said:

I fell a couple years ago out on the cement and broke my nose in 3 places and had two black eyes for months and months. That was the last time I didn't bring my cane when needed.

I have PN-in extremities and also bilateral carpal and tarpal (and ulnar) neuropathy. I also have PF (plantar fasciitis) inflammation in the plantar of my feet that flares up. The nerve damage and inflammation tends to throw my balance off and at those times I do and should use my cane.

As far as lupus causing an inbalance-it's more of the symptoms lupus can cause that can throw your balance off.

Also an inner ear issue or tinnitus can throw your balance off. There's lots of things..I have a seizure disorder and cranial neuropathies and they do not throw my balance off...

I also have cervical splondylosis (ddd-oa) with herniated discs and trapped nerves and they CAN cause an imbalance in your gait. So there's lots of things that can cause it..and unfortunately with lupus you have to see the specialist that treats the specific problem you are having, such as a neurologist (if its your nerves) or an orthopedic surgeon (if its your discs) if it's your feet see a podiatrist, etc etc.

I have noticed I have a tendency to be a bit off balance from my reactive arthritis. I have what's called Reiter's syndrome. It's causes me uveitis and sacroillitis. The sacroillitis when it's severe really throws my hips and pelvis out of whack and causes imbalance. So I imagine that any arthritis in your hip could cause imbalance too.

JMO and Hi! Nice to meet you!

HUGS, Julie

Hello Annemarie. Thanks fo shring your experiences. am sure doctor will be ordering xrays of hip, knee, and ankle since even worse after the fall. Thank goodness I have some knee and ankle braces around, lets me move at pace of a slug. But still moving counts.

I am so frustrated, life at this age was supposed to be quite different than getting by, existing. Things to do, dreams to make come true! You have met many challenges in the last 36 or so years. Any pointers on how to remain positive and not feel so useless? I once ws superwoman. A doer not a watcher, so this is hard! It's a bit pathetic that I'm unable to accomplish much, and would prefer the focus of life be on living, instead of being unwell.

hugs and thanks

Annemarie said:

I have been living with lupus since I was 7 and I am 43 now. I have not had falls but I do have dizzy episodes and if my joints are really bad it makes it difficult to maintain my balance. I have a bunch of other issues as well though so it's difficult to know if it's the lupus or something else like my low blood pressure. I do have a difficult time after I shower and I have to lie down after I dry off. Not sure why, maybe the temperature change? My mom suffers from RA and she has had some bad falls but hers were from TIA's. In her case they were ocular ones. She's normally extremely active, walks every day, gardens etc... However she is in her 70's. I would definitely make sure nothing is broken and check with the pharmacist to make sure medications aren't interacting. I hope you figure it out.

Tina sad you have to struggle, thanks for posting and sharing your story! hugs

Tina said:

I fall alot more too but I usually blame my Raynaud's. alot of times my feet will get so cold that they are numb but painful. I hope that made sense. Lol. I've pulled lots of muscles but the big oooops was last summer. I went outside to cover out pool and my feet were numb from the ac. Well I fell in the yard and fractured my tibia at the knee. Now I am probably over cautious when I'm walking. I hope you didn't break anything and that you feel better soon.

I hear you loud and clear Ann A, and am taking my supplements, but may be flushing al the good they do me out because of increased fluid intake - hot muggy weather, staying well hydrated is essential since I never break a sweat, not even glisten like a tru lady, lol. Will ask doctor to run my level, just in case, i'm due to be at the mercy of the lab vampires in a few eeks, easy t oadd.

Ann A. said:

Here I go with the vitamin D again. People with lupus tend to have low vitamin D levels and that can lead to falls. The vitamin D experts actually write that the main contribution that it makes to reducing fractures in postmenopausal women is through reducing their falls.

I do lose my balance a lot and have taken a few good tumbles down the sairs,I also can’t bow my head close my eyes and pray standing up,because I will fall down…honestly…

I am so clumsy! If I'm holding something and look away or for some reason get distracted I'm likely to drop whatever I'm holding. It's like my hand forgets it's holding something and just lets go. LOL I have fallen quite a few times. A couple times I knew what the problem was, slippery step. Right after I had my knee replaced, I was trying to use crutches and stepped over a threshold in the doorway and somehow lost my balance and ended up hitting the TV on the way down and landing on my bad leg. Was bruised all over and had some bad scrapes but luckily it didn't mess up my knee. The funniest part was the scene we made while my husband tried to get me off the floor! I'm rather heavy for my size so there was no way he could just lift me. It took awhile. :)

I have been having falls due to the strength in my legs just giving out last time I ended up in the hospital for four days because of it that was months ago and the medical community still havent found a reason.If anyone has some ideas I would be grateful for the heads up

What you just did--install enough grab bars, get a shower chair, arrange furniture to provide support to my right and left side to have something to hold on to if I fall or if I lose balance, (much of my furniture is soft so if I fall on them I do not get hurt) floor carpet cushions my fall. My brother came to my house and installed land lines (telephones) everywhere in the house in case of emergency. I have night lights everywhere.