Still not healed up, and my med cocktail for movement disorder and back issues makes me unable to drive safely. I have to carefully plan trips out of the house, NOT taking several of the meds, and by the time I get home am in spasms, pain and tears. I was told I sprained my back, but with a history of DDD, OA includinf in my spine, and herniated discs, I believe more is going on.
Keeping my cane handy, and have made an appointment to see if orthopedic devices in my shoes might help. My right foot is rolling when I walk, so only the last two toes and side of foot are carrying my weight. That is the side that gives on me, no cartilage left in that knee, and hip has been out of place once.
Thanks to everyone for the help, support, and useful suggestions. My body is 95, my head still thinks I'm 35, and my age? somewhere in the middle. Now, I have family that need guidance, tending, and maybe even a reality check. Will bbl.