So I have already not been feeling well so lets add some stress. As I was making supper my lovely stove caught fire! Ugh! So all that comosion and stress of trying to get it out and all the "what do i dos". Fire department showing up, maintence guy and and..... just triggered a whole new can of worms. Pain went from an ok level to an unberable level. I see more and more what stress does to the body! So im in bed with pain meds on bored and trying to relax. Not what i had planned for my day! Guess laundry and dishes are going to have to wait......
Everyone has good and bad days. You did the right thing by trying to relax. :-)
Try not to think about the things that stress you out. That helps me alot.
Do you live alone? Have kids? Take care of anyone?
I live alone in an assisted living apartment. :)
Take care! Is there someone you can call to come over and spend time with you?
Thanks everyone!! Im sad you had to spend some time with them too! Thankfully i have friends coming to spend the weekend with me. I dont know what id do with out my friends! I very lucky to have such dear friends that are there for me!
You sound better today, Louters!
Glad you're feeling good today and that you wanna be with your friends.
God bless you and have a wonderful rest of the day. ^_^
Thanks you too! :) i think laughter and friends is the best medicine!!
I'm so glad you are okay....Did the fire do much damage? I hope you didn't loose a lot of things. TRY to rest and recover as much as you can. Prayers are being sent your way. Feel better.
Nothing was damaged thankfully! Just a lot of smoke, and a stove full of flour!
Okay, so it's good to know the flour works. I'm glad you didn't have any damage. Take care of yourself.
Oh no!!! But it's so good to know there is someone there to help you! Im glad you're ok though!! I've learned you have to find the humor in hard situations. Makes it easier to deal with sometimes. Like today the maintenance guy sayed watch out here comes smokie! It lightned up the situation and showed me know one was upset!
I literally laughed out loud listening to your post trying to find humor out of this. I had a bad lupus day myself and that cracked me up. Only because everything is ok. Take care
I know how and stressful a stove fire can be. It happened to me this afternoon prepping for my crock pot. I was using a small cast iron and at first it looked like the flame from the gas stove was on high but then it grew higher up into whole pan and past microwave. All appliance are white. So all I did was blow on it and shut burner. Once the danger was passed dear son started to laugh and really cut the stress for me too. I had a lot of cleaning to do to get the black off the appliances and back wall that was painted.