Watercolor lessons by email

Hi to my lupus family,

We have been having some discussions about painting by email. I am getting the lessons together for my fellow lupies. It is going to be a blast. Painting is something I do when I am awake in the middle of the night as relief from those lupus pains and problems. I have found a way to turn my misery around and have a blast. If you would like to be included please send me your email address. Each week I will be posting lessons, teaching how to get started, showing techniques, etc. We will try to set up a little online gallery so we can share our progress with one another. I will send out confirmations next weekend so please resend me your email if I do not confirm. Your email will not be shared with anyone at all. I am a professional artist and it is because of lupus that I paint. You can see what I have done during the last four years and how far I have come. Some of my work is posted with my profile. You can paint for shows, fun, gift giving, etc. Let me know if you want to join in!

I wish I didn't have school so I could paint! I have a lighthouse painting I never finished. Enjoy painting! Can't wait to see what you guys make.