Hey guys :)

Hey there i’m new to this and looking to meet new people who understand what it is like to live with lupus.

Hi! Welcome. i am looking forward to getting to know you


Hello, my name is Melissa and you have come to the right site for fellowship in life with lupus. We are a community of people that either have Lupus (in varying forms) or loved ones of those afflicted with this disorder. Many of know the pain and challenges faced day to day from having this disorder. While our symptoms may manifest in different ways we all are here as a community.

This is a great place to ask questions, rant, vent, and/or just make friendships with others facing similar challenges. We have many new members this week so feel free to greet them and form relationships. As a member I am always available to email with, either here or my private email ( MD_Callender@yahoo.com ) please just include LWL in the subject line so I will know to read it.

Be Blessed


thank u :) how are u

janice said:

Hi! Welcome. i am looking forward to getting to know you

thank u :slight_smile: it will be nice to discuss with someone who actually understands lol

M. D. Callender said:


Hello, my name is Melissa and you have come to the right site for fellowship in life with lupus. We are a community of people that either have Lupus (in varying forms) or loved ones of those afflicted with this disorder. Many of know the pain and challenges faced day to day from having this disorder. While our symptoms may manifest in different ways we all are here as a community.

This is a great place to ask questions, rant, vent, and/or just make friendships with others facing similar challenges. We have many new members this week so feel free to greet them and form relationships. As a member I am always available to email with, either here or my private email ( MD_Callender@yahoo.com ) please just include LWL in the subject line so I will know to read it.

Be Blessed


Hi Sweetie, Well, U have a whole bunch of really cool people here to chat with, we are all in this together. We r kinda like a team! So what is going on? R u feeling confused, stressed, sad, angry, all of the above, LOL…I am here to chat, you just let me know how u r feeling and I would be happy to help u anyway I can…Just Keep Smiling there girlfriend, that is my first lesson to u, always do that! Stay Strong Please! We r ur support system…never feel funny! Chat Soon & Take care! Suzie :0)

Hi, I just saw your message! I am doing fairly well (right now). thank you so much for asking. you seem like such a sweetie. it is so not fair that such nice people have this disease…but then again, we don’t know what God is up to. talk to you tomor i hope?

Hello, Im new at this too. It literally has been 1 month today that I was unofficially diagnosed with Lupus. It has been a long month for sure. What is your lupus affecting? How are you feeling? So far this place is really nice, I have learned alot. Dont be afraid to just say what you want, or ask what you need to or want to.


Glad you feel like one of the family! This group, eventhough growing in numbers, is by far the best place I have found. Suzie D. calls it our lil lupus family...and it is! Please always free to add your comment, questions,ect!!!!!