Vitamin Deficiencies

Anyone have trouble getting their vitamin levels up despite taking high doses of supplements? My vit D, B12 and iron levels have been low. I have been taking 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 and liquid sublingual B12 (can't remember the dose, but it is 25,0000% of the DV). After 3 months my vitamin D and B12 levels actually went down.

My family doctor did not have suggestions other than "take a supplement". I don't think I can take much higher doses! I go back in 6 months to be tested again. My rheumy defers the vitamin testing to my family doctor. How long does it take for levels to go up?

If there are absorbtion issues, how else can you get your Vit D levels up?

I wonder what other vitamins I am deficient in....anything else I should get tested for?

i have low vit D and take tablets, but getting out in the sun and eating the right foods can also bring it up :)



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I had the same problem, but when I was first diagnosed, my rheumy gave me an IV infusion of vitamins and minerals once a week for 12 weeks. It really boosted the level up and my body absorbed it better than supplements. I'm supposed to get booster iv's occasionally, but I'm not very punctual. : )

If you can find a sublingual version (under the tongue). It will absorb faster. Good luck!

Yes, I do as well…low in D3, D2, b12, and iron as well. I’m on cellcept, thyroxine and cozaar and 50,000 units of fit D2, sublingual b12 , 1000 d3 but no change for me. I’m wondering what medicine you are on and if it’s blocking our ability to absorb the nutrients and vitamins.

Hi Ann,

Thanks for the reply! To answer your questions....

1. My vitamin D level is currently 24. Was 28 3 months ago and 32 about a year ago.

2. I have been taking 5000 IU of Vit D3 for 3 months. Prior to that I was taking sporadic Vitamin D3 supplements, maybe 2000IU 3 times a week.

3. No hashimoto's

4. No digestive issues other than constipation.

Interesting to learn about not washing the skin after sun exposure, I never knew that!

Thanks for any feedback you can provide!

Ann A. said:

Dear Heidi,

I can probably answer your questions and offer some help about vitamin D. First some questions

  1. What is your vitamin D and for what level are you aiming. (I started out at 4 ng/mL and my current physician likes to keep me up between 70-80 but I am usuallyaround 66 ng/ mL).
  2. How long have you been taking 5000 IU per day? When people are deficient and they start supplementing they get a quick rise - then after it reaches certain level increases come more slowly (which is why you have to really over do it to get toxic). But it can take 4-5 months on 5000 per day depending on where you started and how much you weigh.
  3. Do you have Hashimoto's - autoimmune thyroid disease? Some people with Hashi's have problems getting their levels up.
  4. Do you have Chron's disease, IBS or any other digestive issues? If so, then you might do better to get your vitamin D through the skin instead of taking it orally. All you need to do is to pick a place that you will not wash soon (I do this after my bath at night so it gets to stay on at least 24 hours. My professor says that 48 is best) - put a little carrier oil on your skin - open up the gel cap and squeeze it into the carrier oil and then spread it around. Our bodies know how to handle vitamin D through the skin and for people with digestive problems this works best.

To get the most benefit from vitamin D, you must have other cofactors in your body. Vitamin D has a number of cofactors; the ones listed below are the most important.

  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin K
  • Zinc
  • Boron
  • Vitamin A

Good luck

Ann A.

I am currently taking Predinose (5mg), Plaquenil 200mg twice a day, ToprolXL (for neurocardiogenic suncope), Cymbalta and 325mg aspirin.

Dvdom3 said:

Yes, I do as well....low in D3, D2, b12, and iron as well. I'm on cellcept, thyroxine and cozaar and 50,000 units of fit D2, sublingual b12 , 1000 d3 but no change for me. I'm wondering what medicine you are on and if it's blocking our ability to absorb the nutrients and vitamins.

I do take supplements on top of a multivitamin on doctor's orders.

I have that problem with Vitamin D also, my body does not retain this, what happens next?

I find your conversation very interesting. I too have a problem with Vitamin D and take little green capsuls. Just took blood test last week and find out whats going on today, but never knew it had anything to do with depression. Very interesting. Glad I am on this chat, everyone is so helpful.