Vitamin D deficiency and UCTD

Vitamin D deficiency in undifferentiated connective tissue disease


Vitamin D has a pivotal role in the maintenance of immune homeostasis. In various systemic autoimmune diseases, low levels of vitamin D have been described previously. We showed that, in patients with UCTD, serum levels of vitamin D were significantly lower compared with healthy individuals. Moreover, critically low levels of the vitamin clearly correlated with the progression to well-established CTDs. Our findings support the idea that vitamin D may be a key regulator of autoimmune processes in patients with UCTD.

Vitamin D deficiency in undifferentiated connective tissue disease

Medscape is excellent source for finding sources on specific health interests. Recently they had bunch of articles about Vitamin D. Now, i know for many in Canada and Northern US that not getting enough Vit D can be a very real concern.

Plus, no matter where people live, those that seem to have fibromaylgia supplementing with Vitamin D or at least getting a test is something it seems all should to to make sure they are not extremely low in Vit D. Seems to help with the fibro pain plus other issues along with it. This is not scientific just mainly what patients are saying on forums.

Now Medscape came out with at least 3 Vit D stories...possibly more since i been busy taking care of sick dogs around the clock and so not on my computer much plus you might do another search.

Here are the 3 links i thought might go well with the above article...i tried to make sure i was not duplicating but i am not my best self right now so apologies if i did repeat.

This link is about low Vit D linked with worse lupus..from end january.

Next is, Is there a Flaw in the this Large Vitamin D trial?

this last is search for Vitamin D....has articles if it helps with hives , no help for migraines, well there are 10 pages of articles about Vitamin D.

I believe that NIH is excellent source and would not take what it says lightly but as very well researched articles and sources. If there are discrepancies in other articles from the NIH, i would check dates and sources...personally it depend on other source but NIH is usually at the height of information.

I know now with all the cold weather it can be very hard for northern States to get out in the sun...which in my book is the best way to get Vit D...if you cannot, i hope you invest in lamp as just reading for half hour to hour should be enough if done daily on days you cannot get outside. But clearly it plays some role in our health, at least for sure those with fibro.

Thank you for these links

My vitamin D levels were at 7! I am feeling better since I got the levels corrected.

I believe Vit D has helped my fibro and the fatigue improve... I have also noticed, that the 'hot flashes' symptoms I was having have disappeared? Once I started being religious about taking Vit D daily, the number of hot flashes, diminished and then stopped.

It was just interesting...


Now that is good news about the hot flashes diminishing. I hope that happens to me when my D level gets back to higher level.

Trisha said:

I believe Vit D has helped my fibro and the fatigue improve... I have also noticed, that the 'hot flashes' symptoms I was having have disappeared? Once I started being religious about taking Vit D daily, the number of hot flashes, diminished and then stopped.

It was just interesting...