Take care of your teeth

Had My appointment to set up a treatment plan with my dentist. Fortunately my bone structure and roots are strong, but because of the dry mouth my meds cause, almost every tooth needs something done. I just finally got most of my medical bills paid off, and now I am looking at almost $11,000 in dental work. There is no way for me to do all this so it will be small things over a long period. They suggested Biotene products to help. Am going to try it. Just wanted let others who may not have read other posts about dental issues know to watch for this.

Is their a teaching college close to you their prices are usually really good. I had a car wreck 5 years ago and am still having dental problems. I started using Biotene 3 months ago on the advice of my dentist. It has helped some.

I am using all biotene products and it does help. I keep the spray in my purse and use it throughout the day.

I use the Biotene stuff and it helps some. I started using a new product called xylimelts that you can use at nightwhile sleeping. It has really helped me a lot! i found them at vitacost.

I found a clinic in Colorado that works on reduced payments. I am on disability though. They assign a participating dentist in the area who comes to the clinic. So far, so good. I had two back bottom teeth (opposite sides) that just fell apart! Unfortunately they have to be pulled, one down, one to go. Then, the other work starts.

I also noticed that (as with surgeries) my healing time was slow, very slow.

I will look into and ask about the Biotene! Thanks for posting this and maybe there is a clinic or a school near you that can help.

I have to be honest, you are the first person, I have read about that has had problems with their teeth, due to lupus. Thank you for the information. Are there any preventative measures that you suggest I take to try to prevent this from happening to me?


I actually was told by my dentist that I could expect to lose my teeth after my lupus diagnosis. I will say that I paid him no mind. I switched dentists and did everything possible to try and save them. Ten years later, after 17 root canals (which all fell apart) and a few abscesses , I gave up and got dentures. I had no choice. At least now I'll never have to worry about dental pain ever again.

I have had Lupus for years, then got Sjogren's thats when my teeth went...I lived in Oregon at the time and flew to Tijuiana Mexico....to Washington Dental Clinic....they are the best got my whole mouth done except 6 bottom teeth for 3 thousand and that is veneer's. When I go back down every year for check, I meet all kinds of people all over with all sorts of diseases going for dental down there because the states are to high. Most of the dentists down there went to college in the USA...If anyone is interested contact and I will give you the number....check my pick and you can see my teeth....LOL...I have been going to them since 2003....Now live in Vegas so I drive down....

Good luck I know how dry mouth is ....horrible...


Dry mouth was so bad for a while it was PAINFUL. I liked the biotene gel toothpaste (the paste kind was gross), mouthwash, and spray. I had a gum sample that was good but too expensive. The gel moisturizer was really gross. Mostly I just drank a LOT of water.
I’ve had more issues with dry eye really. Punctal plugs are the bomb but mine never last. Thinking about having my tear ducts burned shut (seriously. It’s really a thing!) Refresh brand artificial tears preservative free, and the thicker Systane or Celluvisc are all very helpful.

Thanks everyone. Just one more thing to add to the list to talk to the new rheum about when I go in August. I am just overwhelmed with all of this.

I’ve used the Biotene products for a while but at my checkup this week they have me some toothpaste and gum called Spry. They taste so good. I had trouble with the taste of the Biotene toothpaste.

Biotene really works. I brought my gums back to life with it. use it if you can! Good luck sweetie, Sheri

I started having trouble with my teeth about 3 years after I was first diagnosed with fibro, several years before I was finally told I had lupus. I kept getting abcesses, and before I had insurance to cover root canals to fix them, all I could do was get them pulled. I was tested at least once for Sjogrens, my mouth and eyes are so dry (no more contacts for me ever, it seems.) I have had a constant barrage of dental work over the past 7 or 8 years with a wonderful and very reasonable dentist - he’s rebuilt teeth other dentists would have charged a fortune to do crowns for. But I keep getting abcesses (I have 3 right now) and we’ve both decided we’re fighting a losing battle. All the top teeth - which seem to be the ones, on me at least, that suffer the most from the chronic dry mouth, have to go. I’m not happy about it, but it will be nice to have one less thing hurting, when it’s all over and done with - and one less thing to worry about.

Just for the record, I had nearly perfect teeth before all this started. I’ve never been one for sugary drinks or a smoker, and I still have almost no gum disease. I tried all the assorted dry mouth stuff, but nothing helped enough to stop the process. I don’t know how much of it is the disease itself, and how much is side effect of the meds - I suspect it’s a combination. But probably 75% of the meds I’ve taken have dry mouth as a side effect, so I’m sure that’s played a big part, and it’s something anyone newly-diagnosed should be wary of. The other thing to be VERY watchful about is any dental infections - there can be a tendency for bacteria from dental infections to cause heart infections, which is not something anyone with lupus needs! (The infections can spread to the brain, as well - a young boy in our area died of that a year or so ago.) So do take good care of your teeth, and don’t put it off, if you have any that are really hurting you! Keepgoing, perhaps someone in your local Lupus Group could steer you to a dentist who bases his/her fees on income, or has reasonable payment plans. And the Med School is a good suggestion, too. (Personally, I think it’s crazy that there isn’t easier access to good dental care for all people, given how much it affects your overall health!). Good luck, and I definitely know how you feel!