Sore skin & lupus

Ever since I've had lupus, I've noticed my skin can be very sore to the touch, especially on my legs. For instance, if I lightly press on my leg, it seems like the actual tissue is hyper-sensitive and sore. I've heard that this is just one of the many annoying symptoms that go along with this illness, but does anyone else have this?

Dear Lark,

So sorry you are going through this challenge, here is a link that may be of help to you until others respond.

I hope that this is helpful to you, and that you are in top health very soon!



Hello Lark,

I've had this in differnt places but i've had some issues with my legs and if your like me, it feels like you've been burnt with an hot iron and i've also developed bad blood spots when it's got extreme and my Dermo tested me for vasculitis.

It mostly down to SLE issues which it causes but also vasculitis can cause this besides, as they send our skin hyper i'd definitely get it checked out.

Love Terri xxx

Thanks for the info! I've noticed some bruising in the sore areas too. I'll definitely bring in up in my next doc's appt.

Hope you're feeling well today! <3

Tez_20 said:

Hello Lark,

I've had this in differnt places but i've had some issues with my legs and if your like me, it feels like you've been burnt with an hot iron and i've also developed bad blood spots when it's got extreme and my Dermo tested me for vasculitis.

It mostly down to SLE issues which it causes but also vasculitis can cause this besides, as they send our skin hyper i'd definitely get it checked out.

Love Terri xxx

Thank you for that article! Any little thing helps.

Feel good today! <3

SK said:

Dear Lark,

So sorry you are going through this challenge, here is a link that may be of help to you until others respond.

I hope that this is helpful to you, and that you are in top health very soon!



I have what I refer to as a 'hot leg', I have a wicked case of sciatica there, it is the upper left leg, just off center of the leg, from a disc hitting/rubbing the Sciatic nerve, even with Lyrica this can kick up to such a pitch that I cannot stand to lay on the bed, as I cannot stand the sheet to touch it! I have to sleep with my ankles on a roll pillow, it is maddening what we go through! Hopefully yours never gets to that pitch, but if it does, Something like Voltren gel, a prescription may help or perhaps even Sports Cream an OTC cream, but please check with Doc or nurse first!

I hope you are soon well, Lark.



Yes Lark, I also struggle with this. Last week at the doctor's evey place he pressed gently I wanted to go through the ceiling. I sleep with a thin pillow between my knees, otherwise the pressure is too much. SometimesI have the sensation they are hot, but if I touch them, they don't feel hot. When possible I try to keep them elevated. I also use Bio Freeze on them at night before I go to sleep. It helps. Some days they are worse than others....and I don't know what makes the difference.



Hi Faye,

My hubby likes biofreeze, he has been putting off a knee replacement or at least knee surgery since before I met him, when it flares, that is what he wants!


I have a spot on my right ankle that is tender and is what initially sent me to seek treatment. I've been told its a bone bruise, but it still hasn't healed or improved at all for a year. I get the sensation that my right calf is hot just like Faye described.


Good one pun intended? That is a good reminder. That is how we used to check edema during pregnancy.

Hello Lark,

I'd definitely mention the bruising and also where DVT is concerned Lupus can cause that but i'd see your GP earlier and ask to be spent to see if you leg can be scanned to make sure because i've had DVT and the tightness of my leg and burning was unreal it causes bruising besides broken blood vessels which are still breaking.

Susan mentioned sciatica even if you don't have it Lupus mimic's any symptom going besides.

I do hope your ok today & all my love Terri xxx


I too have this problem with the tops of my legs. I also have bruising on my fingers. I just had vasculitis for the first time and my skin all over my body was so hypersentative I could not believe it.



I think it could be vasculitis also with what i've read on the issues lark's it does link to these symptoms besides. xxx

Dewing3569 said:


I too have this problem with the tops of my legs. I also have bruising on my fingers. I just had vasculitis for the first time and my skin all over my body was so hypersentative I could not believe it.
