
For the past 14 months, we have been trying to firm up my diagnosis. I went to a new rheumatologist who suspects sjogrens- maybe also UCTD. I already saw an eye doctor who confirmed that my eyes are dry. I just saw an ENT a few hours ago who biopsied my salivary glands. She did an incision by my lower lip but couldn't find any salivary glands. She said that they may have atrophied and scarred over. She had to do a second incision in another area and was able to find some salivary glands. On one hand, I am happy that I may finally have a dx but I am scared that I do have Sjogrens. The ENT said that the absence of the salivary glands in the first incision site could be consistent of a dx of Sjogrens. The eye doctor also said the same thing about the tear production

Stay strong…we are here for you…its an up an down battle…we love ya…

Thank you

Hello Roxy! I also have Sjogrens it is secondary to my Lupus. I also have the extremely dry eyes and mouth so I can relate with you. I use restasis drops two times a day that is prescribed by my eye Dr. that helps the dry eyes. Also I put moisturizing eye drops in as needed daily I particularly like the gel drops. The drops are thick and very moisturizing it blurs vision for a minute or two due to the thickness of the gel tear drops, but that clears up quickly and soothes the eye. You can also get a warm washcloth and put that on your closed eye I found that helped relieve me at times. My eye Dr. also explained to me about a procedure that they can do if all the other moisturizing treatments don’t work. She said they can put a tiny tube in the eye ducts that would basically plug it up so that way when you use moisturizing drops they won’t be able to drain through the eye ducts. Another moisturizing product you can use for dry mouth are biotene products. They have mouthwashes and mouth sprays that can help relieve your dryness. I haven’t had the biopsy so I am interested in knowing how they confirm with salivary glands so please keep us posted on the results. Take care!

I should have the results the middle of next week. The thing that has me worried is that I have so many of the systemic symptoms. I have had mild constriction of the small airways for the past year which doesn't respond to breathing treatments. I had a pericardial effusion, intermittent rashes and chronic fatigue the past 18 months. Of course, I have the dry eyes and mouth. The fact that there were no glands in the one area scares me also. The eye doctor has me using BLINK gel drops. If it doesn't help, she will prescribe drops. I go for the field vision test on Monday. I am waiting for my formulated plaquenil. Hopefully the formulated version will not cause the rash. I have a follow up appointment with the rheumatologist in three weeks.

So sorry you are having these symptoms. I have Sjogrens, my eyes are always dry. I use Restasis drops. I don’t make enough salvia so need to use mouth wash for dry mouths Biotene & the toothpaste. I see a dentist every 6 mos, dry mouth can cause dental problems. hope you get a diagnosis soon.

I just picked up blink eye drops. Have you found one to be superior over another ? I had put biotine on my shopping list. Now I know why I am thirsty at night and have a dry mouth despite using cpap with a humidifier