Any recommendations for good eye drops? I have Sjogren's with my lupus, and it causes very painful and dry eyes. So far the samples the eye doctor gave me aren't helping, and it's been 3 weeks. I heard VIVA is good but haven't tried it. I don't want to go on Restasis because I am guessing it is name-brand only and is expensive. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Hi Jennifer,
Just went to my Rheumatologist yesterday, asked if there was anything better or different from Restasis, he said to me, "NO, no, no, Restasis, just use the OTC moisture drops". I told him I had already tried the Restasis and I could guarantee that it helped with natural tear production as in my opinion, with my eyes, it was like bathing them in Tabasco, he chuckled and agreed immediately.
However you may wish to try them, or your Doc may recommend them. I use the cheapest of the moisture drops as I use them all through the day and night, some say no preservitives, he did not have a preference. I also hae Sjogrens. I recommend Biotene toothpaste, mouthwash, gum, gel for dry mouth.
Hope this helps!
Hugs to you,
VERY helpful....thanks much!
I know what you're going through. I have lupas and Sjorgren's as well, along with a couple other autoimmune diseases. I personally have to pay attention to my eyes all day long in order to keep them lubricated and comfortable.
Systane has several kinds drops. One of them is for night-time. It's oily and it keeps the eyes lubricated.
One thing I do is to use the emergency eye wash solution, otc, morning and evening. Bausch & Lomb is the brand or a generic brand are usually in the contact solution section in a drug store or target. Very soothing. Gets out dirt and dust too.
I'm just back on restatis. It doesn't relieve the dryness completely, but allows me to go several hours without drops. Which is a plus for me, because I used to use drops every hour or less.
Since the rheumy only knows what to prescribe, you can experiment and figure out your own routine.
I hope this is helpful and you figure it out.
Bless you.
Hi Jennifer,
I was prescribed Gel at first and it burnt my eyes out but i use systane which i mentioned to you...they cost me £8.99 for 28 vials from my opticians, they're the strongest for my eyes as they're completely dry and then when i saw my Dermo he recommended them also, i use them daily and before i go to bed but they also protect the lense of the eye.
Now my GP prescribes them for me every month...(Jennifer i've sent an invite to you from the sjogrens group..i do hope you'll except it) because the more info everyone finds out about the better for coping with conditions.
Love Terri xxxx
Thank you for the great suggestions. I will definitely join the Sjogren's group. Thank you for inviting me!
Thank you for joining Jennifer and i hope you click onto the link at the bottom of the main pictures because what sjogrens can cause is unbelieveable, for a start off it's given me muscle wastage besides and causing paralization and other's a very complexed disease.
Jenniferforhealing said:
Thank you for the great suggestions. I will definitely join the Sjogren's group. Thank you for inviting me!
I also have Sjogren's, I use nateural tears, a store brand. I have to repeat the drops several times a day but it does help and doesn't irritate my eyes.
I do not have severe dry eyes but dry eyes and worked in ophthalmology for years and directly with dry eye patients the last few.
Restasis either works or doesnt. It does require use twice a day EVERY day for a few months before you can tell if it will work. Since it's expensive and requires to be used twice a day, it usually doesn't work for most. The company that makes Restasis use to have a great program to help those that can not afford the medicine. You would have to have your ophthalmology office request assistance. As of late 2009, it was a great program.
So we would suggest to Sjogrens and other dry eye patients. Use Systane first thing after you have cleaned your eyes in the am. You may need to use them in up to every hour for a few weeks/months but eventually you may be able to only use meds in the am/pm. In the pm, use systane again or the best option is systane or another gel ( if you can find it get the PM gel) just before you close your eyes for the last time at night. Once your eyes are closed and stay closed the gel works the best. Keep systane on your night stand and if you have to at night hours after the gel use it. ( but don't keep other things you can drop into your eyes on your night stand ie super glue..not kidding people put it in their eyes). Systane and other artificial gels can be used as much as needed.
If possible (with medical clearance) take fish oil or flax seed oil daily. I take 3000mg fish oil, my eyes get very dry when I don't take it. Make sure you get the ones that don't break before digestion. Adding fish to your diet a couple times a week also (but I am not a fish eater).
Make sure you drink plenty of water. The eight glasses a day makes a differences.
Something a lot of people do not realize, when using the computer, watching TV, playing on their phone/tablets make sure you blink a lot!! Take a 5 minute break every hour and look away or just close your eyes, at least a few minutes.
I hope this helps!
I love Similisan. They are all natural and dont irritate or burn
Hi Terry,
If you have sjogrens syndrome there's a group you can join on's on the main page.
Terri xxx
TerryBlink said:
I love Similisan. They are all natural and dont irritate or burn
I am looking for something that is all natural and doesn't burn. Thanks so much!
Tez_20 said:
Hi Terry,
If you have sjogrens syndrome there's a group you can join on's on the main page.
Terri xxx
TerryBlink said:I love Similisan. They are all natural and dont irritate or burn
Hi Jennifer,
Similison may be ok for you with your eyes as it's an Herb product but if i was you i'd see a specialist on what's the best for you because it was my dermo who said mine was completely dry it can back with my bloods, then i got the drops from my opticians and took them for his opinion and he said they was fine and they've been ok but i have noticed some days i just have to put them in abit more than other's because it's like they're not working enough.
Love Terri xxx