I have noticed this rash/flushing for about a year,but lately it is becoming more and more frequent. I notice it is darker when I am not feeling well. I have shown pictures to my doctor, but she does not seem concerned. Does anyone else have this? Is there anything I can do to prevent it? (See Picture
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I notice it is on your chin also Rosacea comes to mind also
My chin is not really red. I am not sure why it looks like that in the picture. My chest does get red though. I thought rosacesa might be the culprit too. Any ideas on how to control it? I know it seems vain with everything else I should be focusing on, but I don’t wear much makeup anymore and this is really bothering me
Yea I usually get a rash like that when I am in the sun for too long. Sometimes when I am stressed it brings it on as well.
I get this same rash. My rhummy says he sees in this in alot of his patients. Basically part of lupus. I notice I get it when I am not feeling well, i over do things, I get it when I go shopping in stores. Seems UV lights also cause it. Stress is a big part of it also. Hang in there and know you are not alone.
Hi TJ - I flush darker when I am flaring as well. I am not sure, but I think it may be related to my low grade fevers. Check your temp. I hate to tell you, but I am 52 and it has never improved :-( sorry.
I get this all the time...
Hi I have the same exact rash. Across the bridge of the nose going around the cheeks. I think it may be the butterfly rash. Which is one of the symptoms of Lupus. My rash came about 6 months ago. I'm thinking a dermatologist might be able to help. I just have to see. I've been covering it with make-up, but I'm not much of a make-wearer. Good Luck.
Sometimes dark urine can mean that you are dehydrated. If it is when you are not feeling well, it makes sense that you may be dehydrated. I know that when I don't drink tons of water with plaquenil and prednisone I feel very bad. This meds require lots of water. Hope this helps some
Have this when I'm tired, feverish, too hot, too cold, and sometimes it just comes and goes. It's in the place where the butterfly rash should be. Never had an actual rash, just this intermittent redness. Also when my prednisone dose is increased.
You got to hold on.
Thank you all for responding. Ann A thank you for the information. This is made worse by sun, but my inflammatory markers have been ok, so I do not think there is organ involvement. I suffer from raynauds year round, so warmth is my friend. I LOVE basking in the sun and while my doctor has never told me to avoid the sun, I do wear a high SPF and no longer sun bath because of the advice I have received here.
USAGURL, I just had three steroid injections the day before I took this picture, so that could be a trigger for my redness as well.
I am no expert, but to me that definitely looks like a butterfly/malar rash. Mine never goes across my nose (that I've noticed, anyway), but it still qualifies as a malar rash according to my rheumy. Mine does not get any raised or rough skin either, just a feeling of being flushed and warm. If you have already been diagnosed, it may not be something your rheumy is 'worried' about, as it's just another indicator of the disease. From everything I can tell, it itself does no real damage (unless it gets very very bad, leaves scars, that sort of thing), but I've noticed that for myself, it CAN be an indicator on how I feel. When I don't feel good at all, it makes an appearance. When I'm in the sun too much, it makes an appearance. When I'm flaring, it appears often. So when I have my rash, I tend to take it easier and pay more attention to what I"m doing and how I'm feeling.
Hang in there!
Yes definatey! My forehead gets really red also, and itches like crazy! Also my chest is red. Its funny because some people think you’ve been in the sun lol as in sun bathing!
Thank you Ann A. I completely agree. I love the warmth of the sun, but not near as much as I love the hugs of my grand babies! I will do everything in my power to be around for them as long as I can. And I want to do more to make my doctor aware of the need to caution her patients against sun exposer Any suggestions on how to approach the subject in a way that she won’t get defensive? I will be seeing her this week as I have been breaking out in hives all day today and haven’t been anywhere near the sun!