Butterfly rash at night?

i keep getting the butterfly rash at night and then by the morning its gone and then it will be back the next night again... i look like im flushed instead of it being a proper raised rash... does anyone else get this??

Yes! I experience the same kind of rash but it's not only at night. My rash does not appear raised, rather a flush. I mostly experience this during flares.

My butterfly rash shows up when I am tired so if you are tired by the end of the day it makes sense.

Yes, that's exactly it - much worse if I am tired or fatigued. :)

ahhh makes sense... also i keep getting tingling in various areas like my foot and sometimes my leg and today its on my face around my mouth... its so weird does anyone know what it is??

i am new here and am seeking answers to my "borderline lupus" diagnosis and fibro-i have had rashes onmy neck and hands but not when the doc could see them, i also have red splotchy on my face but not a raised rash. what in your opinion does it take to get a diagnosis, i have every symptom there is to have along with blood and urine test. i am so tired of being sick and not getting any answers i dont think i have fibro

It depends on the Dr… their mood… the med group policies… the wind direction and moon phase, and an alien presence, apparently. What it takes to get a diagnosis is a question many would like answered. You could hit every known symptom and still get denied. Even with positive inflammatory markers, an obvious cell pattern type on the ANA, and good results from the typical meds (steroids, Plaquenil), some Drs just seem to enjoy yanking us around. Some will try to refute a prior diagnosis, which I find especially repugnant.

Re rashes, they don’t have to be raised. On the face, you have to distinguish btw a Malar rash and Rosacea (which is common and more common for autoimmune patient). You can have both. If it’s vascular flushing, then it’s Rosacea. That’s treatable with topical antibiotics, avoiding heat, protection from UV, and cool compresses when it flares. Never put a steroidal topical on your face without ruling out Rosacea - it makes that condition worse.

You are not alone in this. I to have the rash come and go also. Mine is not raised either. This happens when I am fatigued, sick , tired or just having a lupus day. Take pics to take to the dr. I did and he said this does happen in lupus. Hang in there and have a great day.

Hi, I get the same thing but it happens anytime. My dr said the same thing, it doesn't have to be raised to be a butterfly rash. It is a good idea to take pictures of anything weird like that to show to your dr.

Take care of yourself. :)

Mine look and feel like sunburns. They are often worse at night. They can be part of a flare or just a nightly visitor. I have them on my face, nose, feet, and/or arms. I have noticed a flaring cycle with mine. It begins with low grade fever, then itching that is annoying and ends up becoming severe, (the itching changes locations), then the rashes/burns appear, then extreme fatigue, aches, sores, (sometimes), sore throat/swollen glands and headaches, and finally the swollen ankles/legs and agonizing pains in my joints and chest pain that varies.

i havnt managed to work mine out just yet unfortunately... i never know when im going to feel good and when im going to feel bad and i dont know the signs to look out for when im about to have a flare up

I guess everyone experinces it differently.I wake up in the morning with butterfly rashes on my cheeks,as the day goes on it fades away , i only get them when im in a flare or a flare is on the horizon..I was was wondering if anyone eles is burning up hot with butterfly rashes or is it just me?Thanks***

Mine feels like my cheeks are on fire. It is really not a fun time. :(

aww...I feel for you..! I use ice packs to sleep with at night.Someone had told me about a cooling pillow to buy, i cant remember the name of it?Its to keep your Body Temp Down..

Hugs ***

lablover said:

Mine feels like my cheeks are on fire. It is really not a fun time. :(

thanks, I will have to look into it.