I have something going on that is new to me. When I go to the bathroom, my urine smells like turpentine. Anyone else ever have that problem? I have been really sick with pneumonia and have been taking lots of meds so wondering if that is the problem. My fatigue is really bad and I am so tired just walking around the house. I do not dare go to church or anything else out in the public. I have a problem drinking enough water in my day and i think maybe I am dehydrated or something. have started drinking more water and it has not helped. I drink a lot of green smoothies too. Any ideas?
I have noticed my urine smells at times too. I don't know if it is like turpentine, but unusual. Lupus itself is dehydrating, if your urine is a dark color - chances are you are dehydrated.
Until your fully recovered from the pneumonia don't even try and do to much because you'll make yourself worse and your uring is dark through dehydration to your organs...unless there's no itching below or burning while passing your urine then try not to worry to much.
This link i'm adding is about Ammonia smell in urine with Lupus and the causes which it can be.
Any kind of illness, new medicines, new vitamins, or a new diet can definitely cause changes in the odor of the urine. The meds are causing the infection from the pneumonia to be released into the kidneys where it is being filtered and released into the urine. That is probably the main culprit now of the odor.
Medicine should be taken with lots of water or as Trisha mentioned dehydration..and it can cause an abnormal amt of concentration of urine.
Give yourself a couple of weeks after your pneumonia is clear and drink an extra amt of water to "flush" out your system. If you still notice it, you should mention it to your doctor.
When I had pneumonia, I sensed strange smells...Your whole system is out of whack. I hope you will be feeling better soon.