This may be worth reading and the video worth watching - especially if you are depressed and trying to understand depression as a result of the chronic inflammation of lupus as well and the gut brain connection.
Story at-a-glance
- There’s a bidirectional relationship between all of the major chronic diseases and psychiatric diagnoses (patients who struggle with chronic diseases are more likely to be depressed and vice versa)
- The role of inflammation, across these disease states, is now becoming more well-known
- Depressive symptoms are the manifestation of many downstream effects on hormones and neurotransmitters, but “upstream,” there is a river of inflammatory markers
- The communication between your gut and brain appears to rely, in part, on the vagus nerve, and is bidirectional in nature
- Compelling research suggests your mental health can be improved by reseeding your gut with beneficial bacteria. Fermented foods are important for this\
I am sipping on my evening cup of kombucha and feeling tired but not in a flare following the long trip, my Dad's funeral, and encounters with truly annoying people.