
I get so extremely depressed at times for no reason. Does anyone else experience this? More than just the blues, I mean extremely depressed!

I am told depression is common in Lupus, but with it so severe?

Blondie, I know that when I am having a flare up or just before I become either really depressed or very irritable. I'm not really sure why this is. I do know that fibromyalgia (I have this one too) is in the family and has been defined as 'overactive nerve fibers' and I wonder if perhaps this is possible in the areas of the brain where feelings are processed? I've been dealing with Lupus for 3 years now. I try to find things that will calm me down...simple chamomile tea, a good book, a bath or a nap and that seems to help. I'm sorry I wasn't of more help. Just know you have someone here who "gets it".

Oh I get it and can completely relate. Im on 3 different types of ant-depressants

Thanks, I have been in remission for several months and am afraid I may be getting ready to flare, but I really hate prednisone and that's the course they always put me on. I take 2 different anti-depressants now and most of the time they work well. Glad to know someone else understands.

I can relate. I’m currently prescribed Remer on which works for me. I’m afraid because I no longer have health insurance and it costs 66 dollars a month which I definitely cannot afford.Any suggestions. Ihave to take it or it seems as though everything in my life is DARK

I can relate to this. I am on anti-depressants permanently now. The last time I stopped them I became suicidal wirhin 3 months. Bipolar disorder and depression are on both sides of my family tree so in my case it’s not just the lupus. I told my psychiatrist that I always know when the meds kick in because I can see in color again. That gray haze is gone. It’s gotten worse since I started the cellcept so I’ll be seeing my psych in a few weeks. He’s probably going to kick in a 3rd anti-depressant for a while. I’d much rather take the meds than suffer. It makes everyone around me suffer too. I haven’t noticed a correlation between the flares and depression but I’ve been in a flare for years now. Best of luck, Annemarie

I can relate. I take cymbalta, but I wonder if I need more something. I have been trying to find a therapist, but the wait list is months out!! I have appointments with 2 next month.

I understand. Especially before a flare it kicks in. I am on cymbalta which is working so it’s much better than without it. I know I need a med adjustment when I start crying over everything. It just feels soooo sad like someone died or something and I can’t function like that.

I can relate as well. Everything in my life is great. I am married to woman of my dreams for 33+years, I have four wonderful children, all successful in life; currently four beautiful grandchildren; three wonderful dogs and three great granddogs, Ha!. However, I get these feelings of complete hopelessness and despair and do not understand why. I too am on Cymbalta, initial started for pain but doctor up'd the dose to help address the depression, but to little avail. I wish I could get rid of it, but sometimes think it will follow me around forever. It drains my energy and like Jend719 said, makes me feel like I can't function or have no desire to do anything.

OMG. I have wondered why out of the blue I get soooooo down. I rationally can think about what I should do to be positive and my blessings but I feel I am fighting this overwhelming sadness and there is no point and I am to tired to care of give a damn. The worst part it will be a lovely sunny day and and I feel the wave of gloom coming to get me. I have been “letting it pass” but I am now finding it increasingly difficult to suppress. You have all for me thinking I should do something about it!!!

Try going on line to the drug company web site and print off the application to get the medication free from the drug company fill it out and take to your doctor. They can sign the application and write a rx to send directly to the drug company. It will take about 6 weeks to receive it if you quailify. Qualifiying terms should be listed on the web site.
fearful said:

I can relate. I'm currently prescribed Remer on which works for me. I'm afraid because I no longer have health insurance and it costs 66 dollars a month which I definitely cannot afford.Any suggestions. Ihave to take it or it seems as though everything in my life is DARK

Things are very stressful right now, and my dog died a couple weeks ago, but this seems to be even deeper than that depression, but maybe it is the stress who knows.

Steve said:

I can relate as well. Everything in my life is great. I am married to woman of my dreams for 33+years, I have four wonderful children, all successful in life; currently four beautiful grandchildren; three wonderful dogs and three great granddogs, Ha!. However, I get these feelings of complete hopelessness and despair and do not understand why. I too am on Cymbalta, initial started for pain but doctor up'd the dose to help address the depression, but to little avail. I wish I could get rid of it, but sometimes think it will follow me around forever. It drains my energy and like Jend719 said, makes me feel like I can't function or have no desire to do anything.

That is a great way of expressing how I feel!

Lorraine said:

OMG. I have wondered why out of the blue I get soooooo down. I rationally can think about what I should do to be positive and my blessings but I feel I am fighting this overwhelming sadness and there is no point and I am to tired to care of give a damn. The worst part it will be a lovely sunny day and and I feel the wave of gloom coming to get me. I have been "letting it pass" but I am now finding it increasingly difficult to suppress. You have all for me thinking I should do something about it!!!

I take Effexor XR and pamelor and they work real well for me most of the time, I am okay with my life, just comes out of nowhere and I know I am no fun to be around like this, too. Thanks for all the response good to know I'm not alone in this

I’m on effexor too. Been on anti-depressants for 25+ years. I’m also on Benlysta infusions now that really help pain and fatigue, I’m walking again. However, the same overwhelming depression, for no reason, still pops up whenever it feels like. You are definitely not alone. Hang on through these dark times as light comes back eventually each time. Come here and vent as it always helps to know you’re never alone! Sending feel better HUGS to you!

Why is it that we stop taking our meds?

Annemarie said:

I can relate to this. I am on anti-depressants permanently now. The last time I stopped them I became suicidal wirhin 3 months. Bipolar disorder and depression are on both sides of my family tree so in my case it's not just the lupus. I told my psychiatrist that I always know when the meds kick in because I can see in color again. That gray haze is gone. It's gotten worse since I started the cellcept so I'll be seeing my psych in a few weeks. He's probably going to kick in a 3rd anti-depressant for a while. I'd much rather take the meds than suffer. It makes everyone around me suffer too. I haven't noticed a correlation between the flares and depression but I've been in a flare for years now. Best of luck, Annemarie

Hi, first let me say I'm new and this is the first conversation I'm joining because it it SO exactly how I feel. I have severe depression. I have been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and Anxiety Disorder. I see a psychologist every week for "talk therapy"" and I see a psychiatrist to adjust my medications. When I first became ill a lot of the doctors kept trying to brush it off as my depression. I have just finally been diagnosed with lupus and Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Depression is rough. I don't take care of myself or my family the way I should be able to and it's very hard. Do you see a therapist? It does help some. On some days it's just so hard to even get out of bed and go see my therapist! The fatigue is unbelievable as well and I want to join on that discussion too. When I first got sick I was on bed rest for 4 months which made it even worse. I had to quit work and school. It is a struggle every day for me.

Hi Blondie,

I'm so sorry for the loss of your dog. I'm sorry about your depression, and it is a common thing for me as well. It definitely comes with the Lupus and the Fibro that I have. I tried the Cymbalta and that wasn't for me. I now take Savella for the Fibro and it helps me and my depression. I still get feeling down, but not as bad.

Yes, absolutely! I take two antidepressants (supposedly they also help with pain management of the fibro I also have and migraines.) The dr also gives me a few Xanax a month for when it just gets too dreadful, or I feel panic attack-y, but I am extremely careful with them, because Xanax can easily become addictive.

But for what it’s worth, one day I was chatting about the depression thing with my favorite dr, who’s seen me from day one through all 15+ long years of all my health problems. He smiled and patted me on the shoulder and said, “Frankly, with everything you’ve got going on, I’d be more concerned if you WEREN’T depressed!” I think of that on those days when I suddenly get massively down out of nowhere seemingly for no reason.

And just one last additional thought, depression can be a side effect of many prescription drugs, and/or a manifestation of a vitamin or mineral deficiency, as well. Not to mention it can be part of a lupus CNS inflammation. I’d strongly suggest letting your MD know as soon as possible, and if you need to, find a therapist and/or a lupus support group so you’ll have somebody local who understands to vent to & call on, on the really bad days.

Most of all, don’t suffer in silence: it will only make you sadder and sicker in the long run. Best of luck, and lots & lots of massive hugs!!! (And btw, please feel free to PM me, anytime!!)

P.s. I just realized I missed your other comment about losing your dog. I am SO SO SO sorry to hear that - don’t underestimate the impact that has on your mental health, especially if you already have other problems. We suddenly lost our 18 year-old doxie in 2006 and it precipitated over a year of major flares and major depression and other issues for everyone in my family. People who say “oh, it’s just a pet,” don’t get it. I think if you’re sick and spend more time at home with your pets, it has even more impact. So give yourself permission to fully grieve that loss, in whatever way you need to. And I truly am sorry. hugs!!!

Thanks everyone for the encouraging words, and advice.