I am concerned, I just check my test results online for my protein screening. It was retested after another UTI(The worst ever). Most of the results were back to normal range except the protein level. It was higher than when I had the UTI. I wonder is there some sort of lab mistake because it says 100 mg/ DL when the normal range is negative. Does this sound strange or abnormal? I never received a call from my PCP of any concerns. My test results are automatically released to me after lab testing is complete.
I know my doctor is mainly considering Lupus due to the high protein in my urine (300 mg/DL) in addition to other issues, as well. It seems to be a normal thing with Lupus. That is the best info I have since I am still learning, as well.
I don’t see my doctor for another 3 months. Extreme difference. I compared my results over the last year and have never had it this high. Usually trace amounts or 3+
Ann - are your kidney proteins elevated, too?
mine protein level is also high its 4+ from 6 month.don’t know hoe to control??I jst wanna ask Is fenugreek seed good to control protein
I talked to the nurse who spoke with the doc and he said not to be concerned at this point, they will keep an eye on it. I am wondering how they will do that since I don’t have an appointment until 3 months. I suppose that is a normal retest time frame. I never had a 24 hour test, wondering is that more accurate?
I had mine retested after 3 months then did the 24 hour urine while I was in the hospital about a year ago. We are still keeping an eye on it and should get my results tomorrow.
From what I have been told, the 24 hour test is the most accurate. Only reason Rheumy gave it to me is because my GYN told me my protein was up a bit when I had a Hx last year. My thoughts will be with you, Purple .. Dee
Purplefav said:
I talked to the nurse who spoke with the doc and he said not to be concerned at this point, they will keep an eye on it. I am wondering how they will do that since I don't have an appointment until 3 months. I suppose that is a normal retest time frame. I never had a 24 hour test, wondering is that more accurate?
High urine protein could be an indicator or kidney issues. Although the norm is .01-.95 docs don't usually become overly concerned unless they see is continual high number, usually over 3.0. Mine was 13.94 at the time that I had my biopsy to determine if it what lupus, which of course it was, what with my current cocktail I am approx. 3.5. It's of course being kept an eye on, but at that range I was weeks from complete organ failure. If your BP is out of control as well, it's time to ask for biopsy to determine to course of treatment.
They believe that the damage to my kidneys was what caused the TIA's and stroke. If your doctor has not called you, it may be that he/she may not be seeing a pattern (higher/lower) that requires extra testing. Rest assured it is being monitored as the kidneys are the most damaged organ by lupus.
I do hope this makes you feel better...that was the intent :)
I have had much higher than normal protein levels for years. My rheumy has never been concerned about it until I also starting having blood in my urine. I couldn’t see it, it showed up on lab work. It turns out that I have kidney stones. I upped my intake of water to around 80oz a day and that helped with the stones immensely. I also quit drinking sodas, coffee, and black tea. Well, I allow myself one pepsi a day to take my morning meds and to help me wake up. I also cut back on how much protein I eat. I’m hoping that when I get rechecked my protein levels will have dropped. ~Annemarie