Plaquenil UCTD

I have been taking plaquenil for about 5 months. I have been back at work since the beginning of September. I am still somewhat tired, but am able to make it through a day at work without feeling like a mack truck has hit me. I am not dripping sweat as frequently as I had been two months ago and able to do more before getting completely winded. Could the plaquenil have contributed to improvement in these symptoms?


I’ve been on plaquenil for about a month. I’m so glad to hear it actually may help. After going to doctors for three years, I was finally diagnosed this July. I was starting to wonder if there was any hope of feeling better. I’m so tired of hurting, and feeling like I’ve been working 24/7 in the fields, with no rest. I was beginning to wonder if this was all I had to look forward to in life. I hope this works for me too.

My symptoms were exactly like yours. My plaquenil kicked in a little before 3 months. It’s like night and day. I feel like I have my life back…although always wary that “something” could be lurking around the corner! But for now, a Godsend.

I've been on plaquenil for 2 years and think thats why I don't have as much inflamation. My mouth sores gone. I do have to say my fatigue is worse, but that is the unpredictability of ths wonderful disease. I couldn't work I'm really fatigued. I am scheduled for pulmonary studies. Maybe if they find something there the fatigue will improve. I'm not use to doing NOTHING all day. I hate it.

Good luck, hope you improve.


Hello , i have been on it for now 4year's come Feb. ," I love it !! " . Just make sure that you visit the eye doctor ( It does something to the eye's ) . My doctor was trying to take me off totally but i told him , "That is not going to happen , so now i take it every other day" . And it REALLY HELPS and MAKE A DIFFERENCE'S !!! Hope that you have relief and that you'r experience is also a good one . Talk with you later and PAIN FREE !!!... Beverly L.


I agree completely with you. I will never go off Plaquenil. My mouth sores are gone I am relatevily pain free. You MUST go to an opthamlogist not just an eye doctor. I have the start of glaucoma but I had that before I started taking plaquenil.

Plaquenil can cause high blood pressure which it did to me, thats managable. Keep track of your blood pressure.


Plaquenil was a life savers for me. Have been on it for 7 months now. Started to see major improvements around 4 months in. While I still have rough days, they are fewer and farther between now.

I started on Plaquienl in January and can’t not believe the improvements. I don’t hurt as much and my energy level has returned. It’s like night and day from how I was feeling last year. I still get tired and probably my worst enemy since feeling better I’m wanting to get things done that I put off due to not feeling well. Hope this feeling better continues for you. Hugs and spoons

Hey everyone… Question: I just started plaquenil this month. Does it take a while before you start to feel the positive effects from it?

It does take awhile. For many people, it takes around 6 months to realize the positive effects

Ok. Thanks for responding.

I heard it takes about 3 mos. to kick in. I started feeling a BIG difference a week or 2 shy of 3 mos. Like Sweatpea said, it’s like night and day. Things I haven’t done in years, I was doing them ALL in 1 weekend! Hope you have some great days ahead.

For me, I couldn’t tolerate generic plaquenil as it gave me a nasty rash. Once the rash subsided, I was slowly tirating up using name brand plaquenil. I have been on the full dose for about 5 months

Oh! Am going to keep check and make sure that everything is okay! Lupus will not Win !Talk with you and take care of yourself also…Beverly L.

freightliner said:


I agree completely with you. I will never go off Plaquenil. My mouth sores are gone I am relatevily pain free. You MUST go to an opthamlogist not just an eye doctor. I have the start of glaucoma but I had that before I started taking plaquenil.

Plaquenil can cause high blood pressure which it did to me, thats managable. Keep track of your blood pressure.


Like i've said , " No way will i STOP " , it work's and understand that it should not be for long term use , because it does effect the eye's BUT without it , I would not be able to do NONE of the thing's that am able to do to this day ... Beverly L. "It is Great ", xoxo

Sweetpea47 said:

I started on Plaquienl in January and can't not believe the improvements. I don't hurt as much and my energy level has returned. It's like night and day from how I was feeling last year. I still get tired and probably my worst enemy since feeling better I'm wanting to get things done that I put off due to not feeling well. Hope this feeling better continues for you. Hugs and spoons

Hi!, well as stated, every person is totally different , so to base it on a time frame is really hard to say . I have been taking it for 4year's in Feb. , and the first month's it kicked in without a problem , i was able to get a some what life back , but that may not be the case for you or other's . My body weight and size played a major part - the tolarents level to meds. , played in this . Hope that you have enjoyment as though i and many other's do ....Beverly L.




ey everoyne..Quest.. ion: I justts arted ilplaquen this m. Donthoes it take a while before you start to feel the positive effects from it?