Hydrchloroquine aka plaquanil?

I started my first dose tonight. My rx is for 200mg twice a day. How quickly does it start to work? What's your experience with it? I'm trying to optimistic and hopeful. But I'm a little nervous.

I havent started on any yet but i really would luv to know how it works for u! please keep me updated. my appointment is on the 24th with my rhuemy . Im praying that it is succesful for u!!!! Good luck!

I haven't had a problem with it but I am concerned because today I missed a dose and I want to know if that is okay?

It takes a while to work. I think on average 3 months. It took 4.5 months for me. It upset my stomach for the first month but now I have no side effects from it.

Hi all,

It does take awhile to work, but I noticed a difference in my fatigue within 2 months. I have been on it for 3 months now. I do still get tired, very tired... just not EVERY day. I take 200mg twice a day, I take the generic. I haven't gotten sick from it, I have read posts here that if taking the name brand plaquenil sometimes helps with nausea if that's a problem. I have missed a dose, and I didn't notice any difference. I haven't tried to make the dose up, I just pick up with the next dose. I did get a copy of my latest bloodwork, and my numbers are improving. I would eat a little something with it, I notice I'm better if its not on empty stomach, and I think Terri takes it before bed so it doesn't make her sick.

Good luck to everyone....... : )


I been taken it for 9 years it takes up to 6 months before you notice a difference, but my advice to you is to make sure you go to your eye doctor. and you are also going to notice that your eyes are going to be sensative to the light.

Good luck, Tanya

Good advice Tanya!

It's like everything with Lupus - each person reacts differently. I did have my eyes checked after the advice from others here, and my doctor offered to send a copy to my rheumie without me having to ask : ) There are some docs who play well with others lol.


Hello disarray,

I started on plaquenil last year and it takes upto 6mths to work like Tanya said but i saw a difference with my DLE just before 3mths, some people see reactions before that it's all down to each individual...i had breathing problems with it, my heart racing, nausea, feeling inclosed in so my hubby did'nt go fare, burning hot sweats there's was a few more but forgot but i know it all seemed to much as was causing me to panic, i was taking it at 2pm in the afternoon and i came off it and chipped at the tablet daily over 7 days, then i was asked to go back on it and a friend told me to take it at night before bed well i take it at 11pm and i hit bed at 1am.

As soon as i did that all i had was slight nausea for abit and nothing after as apparentley your sleeping the side affects off and i never knew this...recentley i saw a new rheumo who upped it to 400mg and i asked if i could take that amount at night and he told me yes, i started straight away had a few days of nausea again because of the extra amount and nothing since.

(((Hugs Terri))) xxx

Thanks everyone. I have been taking it as instructed and to be honest I haven't felt any side effects from what I can tell. It's only been a few days so I haven't felt any relief yet either, but I guess that will come in time. Wasn't able to get an opthamologist appt til December though. Hope that's not too late. Just trying to stay positive and hope for the best. I'm very tired today and actually quite achy. I think this quick shift in temperature here in upstate NY might be messing with me. Going to take it easy today and just go one day at a time.

I would like to add that I really do appreciate you all here as well. Sometimes I feel like everyone thinks I'm "playing it up" or exaggerating. I don't wish this on anyone but it's nice to know I'm not alone.

Hello disarraycarr,

Your welcome for us all...i am pleased so fare your not feeling anything so fare, as alot of people who take it feel no side affects, you won't see or feel any change as yet.

Your opthamologist appointment is still ok, although it should be done before plaquenil is started and if you do have any issues with your eyes and they think plaquenil could harm in anyway then you'll be told plus it's only 3mths away.

The weather upsets all our sytems hot or cold and causes we to ache more so rest well.

Your not alone when other's thinking your playing it up because it's an hidden disease and that's the only set back where Lupus is concerned plus we're all here for one another.

Love & hugs Terri xxx

My eyes r super sensitive already to the sun. I cant drive during the day for long periods of time. my eyes will keep closing an no matter how hard i fight it . I am not on meds yet,so it cant be because of any meds.

sunrisetrisha said:

Hi all,

It does take awhile to work, but I noticed a difference in my fatigue within 2 months. I have been on it for 3 months now. I do still get tired, very tired... just not EVERY day. I take 200mg twice a day, I take the generic. I haven't gotten sick from it, I have read posts here that if taking the name brand plaquenil sometimes helps with nausea if that's a problem. I have missed a dose, and I didn't notice any difference. I haven't tried to make the dose up, I just pick up with the next dose. I did get a copy of my latest bloodwork, and my numbers are improving. I would eat a little something with it, I notice I'm better if its not on empty stomach, and I think Terri takes it before bed so it doesn't make her sick.

Good luck to everyone....... : )


Hello Monique.

If your not on meds then yet...it sounds like your eyes are very sensitive to light which Lupus alone can cause...i suggest seeing an opticians about your eyes or getting glasses which go tinted while out, as sun light alone can damage anyones muscles in their eyes.

Love Terri xxx

Thank u for the advise Terri! Its much appreciated!!!!!!!! Have an awsome day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tez_20 said:

Hello Monique.

If your not on meds then yet...it sounds like your eyes are very sensitive to light which Lupus alone can cause...i suggest seeing an opticians about your eyes or getting glasses which go tinted while out, as sun light alone can damage anyones muscles in their eyes.

Love Terri xxx

Hello monique,

Your welcome and enjoy your day also...well the best you can.

Love Terri :)

moniquecrader said:

Thank u for the advise Terri! Its much appreciated!!!!!!!! Have an awsome day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tez_20 said:

Hello Monique.

If your not on meds then yet...it sounds like your eyes are very sensitive to light which Lupus alone can cause...i suggest seeing an opticians about your eyes or getting glasses which go tinted while out, as sun light alone can damage anyones muscles in their eyes.

Love Terri xxx

Hey Deenie

It takes a little longer than the steroids to work about two weeks to see some changes. It worked really well for me for almost 20 years so that is a really good track record. I would still be on it if I didnt develop my vision problems. I hope it helps and you feel better soon.

Lots of Love God Bless

Hello disarraycarr,

How you feeling concerning coping with the Lupus and also starting the plaquenil, as i saw your status and you really sound down...is the drug affecting you in anyway?

Please update we all, as we like to know how member's are coping.

Thinking of you dearly Terri xxx

If I had a nickle for every time I heard "But you dont look sick" I could take us all on a nice vacation !

Oh Julie,

I know mate it's a right joke...we're the best looking people going and we should be happy it does'nt show.

It's a pitty it does'nt it would shut some up. xxx

Julie said:

If I had a nickle for every time I heard "But you dont look sick" I could take us all on a nice vacation !

Update: So it's a been about a week on the plaquenil and so far no real changes that I can notice. I am still getting over the respiratory infection so I'm sure that wasn't helping my mood/pain/overall feeling at all. Plus for last week doc hiked me up to 40mg of prednisone while fighting the infection and now I'm back down to 12mg /day and I can definitely notice that difference. I have to say I am a little overwhelmed by this whole lupus thing and honestly... I just don't have time for this crap. I mean, I'm not any less sick than I was before I had a name for it, but I'm just really annoyed with it all. I work, have a husband, kids, house, friends... and I know... we all do. And maybe I'm just having a little pity party for myself right now but I just feel really angry about it this week. I'm doing what the rheumy said, taking my meds, trying to rest when I need it, eat right, get my water in, not blow up like a Macy's Day float, and take care of all my normal stuff too. I'm definitely in less pain than I was a month ago but it's still there. It's still nagging, and the fatigue... don't even get me started. I hope I don't bring anyone down. I hope that I will be stronger soon. I hope that we all get better. I hope...

Hello disarraycarr,

Thanks for updating me and i know your flustrated with it all but how you've just add a good old vent it does you good and you won't get other's down as we vent away it's how we relieve our flustration of what we suffer.

The respiratory infection which you still have and still getting over won't help how you feel and although your taking the meds you've still got the niggling of pain and i do know it's hard to except because like you've stated you have family and friends like a good many...the only way you'll come to terms with it is to except it or like my sister who as Lupus with other autoimmune diseases is to ignore the fact of Lupus which she does but there'll come a time when she'll need help...the meds help with Lupus and if you carry strong determination besides that goes along way ontop but nobody can force anyone into excepting what they have wrong only the individual can do that.

Do takecare Terri :)