
Three weeks after revision surgery for a fractured femur, my husband will be home on Saturday. I just realized that I left the house at 10:30 am and didn't get home till seven. After I got home, I emptied the dishwasher, made fresh lemonade and none made tabouli. I really did a lot and am tired but normal tired, not connective tissue tired!!! How exciting !!

I had started to tirate Plaquenil about 4 months ago. I have been taking 400 mg a day for about 6 weeks. Is it possible that Plaquenil can be starting to kick in? Could plaquenil help with the sweating and feeling winded

Hi I have been on plaquinel for a year now. I still sweat not as much. It has helped a lot with my energy. I am happy it is helping you :slight_smile:

I'm also taking plaquenil and the extreme tiredness I had before is gone. I still get tired but nothing like before taking this medication. Remember to have your eyes checked at least every 6 months or so because this is what this drug can affect, but this is rare. Good luck.

I have been on generic plaquenil for 6 months now. I really started to see a major difference around month 4. Less fatigue, less pain, more energy. I too still get tired and still have pain but it is nothing like it was before. Without the plaquenil I wouldnt be able to keep my job. It has really helped me.

I was diagnosed with Lupus in Feb of 2012. I went on Plaquenil 400mg daily. I feel very good and have not had significant flares since then? I feel very fortunate!
Good luck to you!

It took about 8 months for the Plaquenil to kick in for me (and allow me to get off prednisone) but extreme exhaustion is much better and the worst of the pains are gone. I still get those weird sweats though and have a foggy brain.

I’m also able now to work part time and not completely collapse after work.

I feel it’s definitly keeping the disease in check as I’ve had no signs of organ damage or other progression since I was diagnosed in Oct 2013.


I feel really well but I still get winded...I don't know why. I think the plaquinil has really helped me a lot, I even mowed the lawn last week.

This morning, I woke up tired to my bones. Luckily after taking a 40 minutes, I felt better. I went to Verizon then the supermarket. I am home now, very slightly winded and sweating although the stores, my car and house are air conditioned. I have to head out to PT for my neck in twenty minutes then to see my husband at rehab. After that, I plan to come home and do NOTHING. It is crazy how much these symptoms are impacting my day to day activities

I am on plaquenil 400 mg a day and my pain has reduced considerably. I still get tired, winded, and dizzy, but at least the pain isn't usually as bad. It took 10 weeks for me to notice a significant difference in how I felt. I was diagnosed about four or five months ago( very recently), but so far, have no signs of organ damage! Plaquenil seems to be a good drug!

I’ve been on Plaquenil since March. I was almost unable to move my fingers of my left hand (and I’m left-handed!) and I would get really bad swelling in my feet and hands. While I still get the swelling, it’s not nearly as bad. And I can use May left hand! It took a few months to get to that point, but I am grateful that it’s working!

I am not sure but I may be a bit less winded.

I've been on generic plaquenil for just over a week. Recently diagnosed with ACLE, not systemic. I've noticed that the drug takes away my appetite completely! Food still tastes good and smells good, but no hunger whatsoever and no urge to snack on anything. I really like it so far, though it has not been long enough to begin to improve the ACLE symptoms. I could stand to lose 20 lbs anyway, so I like what I'm seeing now!

I've been on plaquenil for 1 year now and do not feel any difference from when I started. I am still extremely tired, losing and thinning hair, losing weight. I have also started getting really extreme eczema on my face and body. Anyone else not experience improvement with plaquenil ?