has anyone experienced pain in the cartilage of the ear after laying on it? I will occasionally wake up with severe pain along that cartilage to where I can't even touch it. I have had it happen with both ears at different times and it doesn't happen very often. I do have occasional ear aches during the day that I now have started to believe is also part of the outer ear, not the inner ear. I'm seeing my rheumy this week and wondered if I should tell him. Thanks! and Hugs!
Yes I get that. There was another post about it awhile back.
I have it too… is you ear cartilage thinning after the redness and swelling?
Yes i have it too. But i am not sure why it happens… Or is it related to Lupus.
@dawncelest- I don't know if the cartilage is thinning...I have weird ears that stick out. They don't lay down like normal. I didn't notice this kind of pain until about 3 or 4 years ago, just before I was diagnosed. I did not think it was a symptom of anything, so I didn't discuss it with my rheumy. I'm curious now.
Wow, not yet. Thanks for the heads up. I wonder if that could be a blood flow problem? Recently, I had blood flow problem to my temple, possibly resulting in my hair in that area falling out. I called the nurse hotline and they stated it might be a vascular problem then gave me a referral to see a specialist.
Yes, I have had that. It can wake me up at night and I never mention it because I didn’t want to sound crazy. Wonder what causes it?
Yes my right ear!!! I never mention it either but it wakes me up at night
PLEASE TELL YOUR RHEUMY EVERYTHING!! It is important for them to know everything, whether they want to hear it or not, its their jobs. I write down all the strange physical problems, with dates, times and other physical events (i.e; menstrual, stress, etc) to show the doctor. I am genuinely interested to know what causes Lupus in some people and not in others.
Mine wakes me up too! And it hurts so bad that I can't even touch it. Then it just fades away. I also have an ache in that ear. Just one lone ache and it is very random. This is interesting. I will definitely tell him. Thanks!
I have experienced that as well. Never dawned on me that it might be somehow linked to lupus. I will mention it when I see my dr. I think you should too. Just have to get through this day, and I will be seeing my I.D. Dr. Really wonder what he will say about my MAC lung infection, and my other complications. Man oh man, have I been tired.
Oh.my.gosh.! Yes! It hurts so bad! Both ears sometimes and hurts to touch. Its been bad lately and was going to ask this same question a couple weeks ago! Thank you for posting this question. There seems no comfortable way to sleep either. Im not a back sleeper due to back pain.
I did a bit of googling and found that it can be a symptom of "relapsing polychondritis" which is an autoimmune disorder! I was shocked! It is supposed to be a rare disorder, but maybe that's because none of us have told our rheumy. hahaha
You would definitely know if or hopefully not when the cartilage is thinning. . The top of my left ear looks like one of my cats took a little nibble of of it I have systemic cartilage degeneration and once it hit my ear I was diagnosed with relapsing polycondritious. Its rare but can be linked with lupus. I didn’t want to come right out with the polycondritious diagnosis because I didn’t want to scare or sound like I was suggesting this is what’s happening to you!definitely tell your rheumatologist and monitor the progression. Feel better!
Oh wow there seems to be alot of us that deal with the same issues.
Wow, I can relate to this! For me, it tends to feel like I was laying my ear on a rock all night instead of a pillow, smooshing it and making it unhappy, painful, and sensitive. I don't use a typical pillow, so I can usually find some way of sheltering my ear and still getting some sleep, if both are doing it. It's really strange how so many of us have felt like this! I'm hesitant to mention it to my rheumy just yet, but I'll be keeping an eye on it.... (an ear out for it? HA!) from now on. ::nodnod:: Thank you for bringing it up!
Yep, I do. I ignore it mostly. I know that is not helpful, but at least you are not alon.
yes but notice for me depends on length of my hair...so if my hair acts as cushion it is not as likely to happen PLUS my pillow. You might be using a down one as i do on one place i lay down and it can bunch up and cause pressure against my ear in weird way.
It is the cartilage...sure has nothing to do with lupus as my husband says if his pillow bunches wrong same thing can happen with him as well. He has it happen more since his hair is short. He now has a new pillow and rarely happens.
Hope this helps you.
siskiyousis- I've considered the pain could be caused by my pillows. That was my first thought years ago. I have tried several different pillows and it will eventually happen with all of them. I was curious because I have ear aches during the day occasionally. I've seen my pcp, dentist and an ent for those. PCP thought it might be sinus related because my throat is always red and I get hoarse easily, but nothing was found relating it to sinus. I'll mention it to rheumy tomorrow. THANKS!
I have relapsing polychondritis,and yes that ear pain is a symptom...mine also become very red and swollen,as does my nose.My rib cartilage feels like I lost a boxing match,it hurts to take a deep breath,and makes me cough. It is rare,about 3 in a million,and about a third of people with RP also have Lupus and other auto immune problems. It took 4 rheumatologists and 2 ENT's to figure out this part of my diagnosis. Hint for ear flares: put an inflatable neck pillow like you use on a plane under your ear so it has a hollow to relieve the pressure. I needed prednisone to calm it down,most of the drugs for RP are the same arsenal they use for Lupus.