Our Moderator Terry is in the hospital

Prayers to you both !! Love Sandy

If 'what goes around comes around' - as they say it does. You will soon be flooded with wonderful things Terri.

Hope you are home soon & feeling much brighter. Thank you for everything you do kiddo. Love Kaz xo

Hi everyone,

With Terri out, Trish out with foot surgery, Faye out, I will be here more. Please feel free to message me, should you need anything. I know I can never take their place, but will do all I can. This is a wonderful group of people and I am very glad to be a part of it.

Just click my photo and leave me a message if I can be of help.

My best to all,


My prayers go out to you Terri and Steven.

Prayers Terri… Get well soon.

Best wishes for a strong recovery, we’re all pulling for you!


Tell Terri to hurry and get better! Thanks so much for letting us know!


Hi dear Terri,

It is Sunday and I hope you are making good progress in your healing! Our thoughts and prayers for you and Ste are constant. I hope you feel our love and concern.

Gentle hugs your way,


Hey Terri!

Hang in there! I hope you're doing well!

My thoughts and love goes out to you! <3


Many blessings and hugs go out to Terry and you her husband. I will be praying and asking God to give the both of you the strength you need to get through this, and you will get through this. I am also asking God to guide the minds of the doctors that are caring for here and to lead them the right direction. Much love to you both.

So sorry to hear this! My hopes for a speedy and full recovery!

I will pray for Terry that she gets well soon. Keep us posted.

We have all been there. Thank you for sharing.

I am praying for you Terri and hope all becomes well. Tami

Hello Shoemommy,

I've had 2 forms of seizures for 28yrs come january...as long as your seizures are breaking in between before another one happens then your heart copes ok but when there's no break which happened to me last week...an ambulance was soon called as i go into coma's.

I'm also on Keppra as high as they can take the med but i went on it when it first hit the market in the UK and it's been an excellent drug to me.

Love Terri xxx

Shoemommy07 said:

Hello everyone. I haven't bn on for a long time. I read this latest post n I can totally relate. Has anyone else suffered seizures? I had 2 that were 3 hrs apart n a wk later I had another. I'm taking Keppra now to control them. Is this common? Thx

Hello Mitch,

You can get seizures come on naturally but Lupus can also cause them besides meds....Mitch when you say medical alert bracelets to do mean the ones for identification etc incase they take you in as i always used to wear them but for a few years now i've got an emergency alarm system that goes straight through to the emergency system. :)

mitch724 said:


Hello mate,

Yes it's me and i came out of hospital today...i did add a discussion saying i was out but thanks for being so dear and thoughtful Julie.

Love you dearly Terri xxx

jujubeee said:

Terri (double R one i) is this YOU? Oh NO NO NO....my dearest friend, I am here in soul and heart forever for you by your side. Don't fear you are not alone. I love you and we all hold you dearly close. Julie

Prayin for a full and speedy recovery. Please keep us posted. Hugs tO Terry. Missin u already



Hello Sue,

Thanks for your sweet message mate and thoughts...i'm out mate and added a discussion thanking members for their support.

Love Terri xxx

Sue said:

Prayin for a full and speedy recovery. Please keep us posted. Hugs tO Terry. Missin u already



Yeah!!!!! Glad to see that you are at home Tez20, you are a strong trooper and I knew that you would pull through everything ok. Many blessings and hugs.