New Vitamin D Recommendations for Central Europe

Hello Ann,

Thanks so much for adding this link, i've read most of it and came across a chart and for my reading of 5.5 it looks like i'm ok but i shall still double check when i see the sister as the chart showed this for my count.

Sufficient 40-80 ng/ml 30-100 ng/ml >20 ng/ml 32-100 ng/ml

Terri :)

Ann, I had no idea different areas or the world had different vitamin D recommendations! All I know is when my level is too low, my pain rears it's ugly head with more strength.

My previous doctor had a hizzy fit when he found out my test results, had only seen 1 person lower during his entire career. I didn't like leaving his practice because he understood many important things, but his condescending attitude and disrespect were too much. I am grateful he set me on the path to learn about the importance of vitamin D.

Rose and Butterfly Good Morning animated emoticon Ann,

Yes i shall be having it double checked to make sure and Ann harassing me never crossed my mind mate...i thought you was helping me with more

Thanks again though for all the lovely replies you've put my way on certain issues as it's all appreciated and when i get it double checked i'll let you know straight away.

Enjoy your weekend & all my love :)

Ann A. said:

Hi Terri

I actually posted these for any LWL members who share my interest in global vitamin D issues and those who live in Central Europe

: Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine.

The recommendations for Central Europe are different from those in the US where I live and the UK where you live.

The only suggestion that I made or will ever make about your vitamin D levels is that you check with your physicians to make sure that your 5.5 is really sufficient by their standards. If you are happy and your physicians are happy, then I am happy too.

This post was not intended to harass you, a resident of the UK, to reconsider your levels.

It was intended as general information about the new reccomendations for Central Europe.

Ann thanks for helping me to continue to learn and understand. What you share is very much appreciated! I am not sure why, but am one of those people whose bodies like to take calcium and make large deposits of it in joints, large or small joints. My screen name could be Crunchy!

What are your thoughts on taking D3 gel capsule supplements versus D tablets? Not trying to hijack the thread, so ignore that if you want. I was advised the D3 are better because your body doesn't have to go through the conversion process.



Ann A. said:

But Ohso this is not unique to vitamin D. All over the world the findings from scientific research on nutrition go through a very sociological and political process before they can become recommendations for the population of a country. In the US it is the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. The only other country in the world that uses their recommendations is Canada.

Once they have made their recommendations the professional groups chime in. In the body vitamin D becomes a hormone. So it is endocrinologists who have a special interest in it and who have written guidelines for clinical practice. People with lupus are a group at high risk, both because of the disease and the medications. What works for the general pop does not work for us.

The topical application makes perfect sense Ann, since this is the way in nature we would normally get vitamin D. I will do some looking into getting some cream or liquid and see if it works beter for me. Thanks!