Need a good Rheumy near Tulsa or Owasso, Oklahoma

Hi all -
I am not getting good results with the Rheumatologist I have seen a few times since being diagnosed. I live in a small town so there is only one and I'm wondering if he has ever really worked with Lupus before.
Any good suggestions for a new Doctor near Owasso or Tulsa, Oklahoma?

Sorry I live in Indiana, but good luck.

thanks - I'm not finding anything for Oklahoma on the suggested site

I am so sorry I can't help. It seems that good rheumatologist's are hard to find. I am in Maryland so I can't offer any suggestions. Do you have a teaching hospital in your area? Sometimes, they offer good doctors.

I am trying a new doctor myself but I can't get in until December!

Best of luck to you,

Cathy In MD

I know there are several doctors in Tulsa but I would rather not spend $$ only to find out they don't know the disease very well which is what I am running into now.
Was just hoping someone out there had a doctor there they found to be helpful.
Guess it will be hit and miss ---
Good luck on your new doctor!

I have a great one, but he's in Rogers, AR. I don't know any in Oklahoma. I hope you can find one that you'll be pleased with.

I’m in OKC. Probably too far?

Yeah - I know there's some good ones in OKC but I don't want to do that drive every time. Too tiring.
Thanks though