I was fine today, up until I got home from school around 3. I sat down with my usual peanut butter and toast, getting ready to watch Sherlock and lo and behold my throat begins to hurt. Curious, I went into the bathroom and looked at my throat with my flashlight app. Sure enough, there, on the roof of my mouth, is a very large, clear blister/sore. That popped (gross ik) and I tried to spit all of the fluid out. I guess it did not matter because soon the entire roof of my mouth was covered in blisters. Worse, my mouth was on fire. It felt like someone had thrown a match into my mouth. So I called my dad crying and he was able to get me into see my pcp.
Once I was at my pcp, my temp was 100.9, I had a rash, that looks like many tiny dots, going down my back, chest, and stomach, and my mouth was still on fire. I was in tears when the nurse told me my temp was 100.9. I am petrified of any temp over 100 due to my horror story with DMC. To make matters worse, my phone died so I could not call my mom.
Anyway, there I am, crying, and suddenly the doctor walks in. I saw his face fall slightly when he took in my expression. He grew more and more concerned as he examined me. He did not know what to do because it did not look like a bacterial infection. He thought it was viral. Still, I was in a lot of pain. He offered up tylenol 3 and I turned it down because my mom doesnt like me on pain killers. However, I cannot take naprosyn due to my kidneys. Still, begrudgingly, I accepted the prescription for T3.
He decided to do a plethora of blood work and before he left I asked if he could run a UA since I tend to spill protein when I dont feel good. He checked my urine, and sure enough I was spilling 1+ (its been consistent now). He decided to send the urine out and sent me on my way.
Little did I know that he had ordered a blood culture. I am used to blood cultures due to DMC. I refer to them as "vampire shots" because the bottle they use to collect the blood looks like a shot glass. lol. Anyway, my arm went numb because they drew so much blood!
Luckily my rash has subsided somewhat. My temp went down to 99.2 and my throat is not nearly as red. My heart is still giving me issues when I stand up (I get dizzy and slightly light headed), Still, I am in a lot of pain despite having taken one tylenol 3. My mom and I wonder if this is not all just a lupus flare. It feels like someone just drained all my energy from my body. Im achey, and my head is killing me. It's a 180 from what I felt like this morning.
How can we go from feeling fine one minute, to being in tremendous pain the next? It seems like I can never get a break! Its only the second day of school and already the threat of a hospitalization/ER visit is on the horizon *shudders*. My doctor gave me strict orders that if any of my symptoms get worse I am to go to the ER. No ifs, ands, or buts.
I will keep you all updated on how things progress. Hopefully, I can avoid a trip to the hospital. Im not a fan of IV's.
I wish you all the best of health,