Mouth on FIRE - help -anyone experience this?

Hi all hope everyone is having a good day,
I need help - my mouth feels like its on fire. I went to the dentist about a week ago cause I had broke a tooth flossing and needed a cleaning. Got all of that taken care of without any shot to numb my mouth cause the tooth had just broke a little. Then about 3 days later I chipped another tooth flossing, this one was in the front and was very pointed. I had to stay like that over the weekend and my tongue was raw and cut from rubbing over the sharp edge. I got it fixed right away again without any shots.

The next day my mouth started burning really bad. Yesterday I called my dentist and told him what was happening and he called me in a mouthwash to sooth and numb it - it’s not helping - I feel like its on FIRE. I don’t see any mouth sores but it sure feels like there are a ton of them in my mouth.

Any suggestions or advise on how I can get this fire put out would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks … Sharon

My mouth burns a day or two before it breaks out in the mouth sores.....the only thing that helps me then is to avoid spicy food, even black pepper hurts.!. Rinsing my mouth with liquid benadryl and maalox helps to cool and soothe mine. Wish I had a better solution for you.....hang in there and take care......

BLESSINGS and PRAYING for you :)

Thanks really appreaciate the reply and suggestion. Have a blessed day!


My mouth burns a day or two before it breaks out in the mouth sores.....the only thing that helps me then is to avoid spicy food, even black pepper hurts.!. Rinsing my mouth with liquid benadryl and maalox helps to cool and soothe mine. Wish I had a better solution for you.....hang in there and take care......

BLESSINGS and PRAYING for you :)

When I had that…it was a herpe breakout…it will pass in two weeks…drink cool things and rest…its a virus…I always get sick after dentist…my body hates being disrupted. …good luck

Thanks to all for your responses.

im sorry to tell u this but i have had the same problem sence dec of 2012,and i have seen every kind of dr and no one knows what it is or how to treat it mine also started after having gone to dentist,but i had new dentures made,if i find out anything i will post it and please u do the same,its driving me crazy,the only thing i find that helps alittle is sucking on ice or popcycles,good luck

I've been getting a couple of mouth sores for the past little while and crazy as this sounds, it works....try putting about a teaspoon of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it around for about 20 minutes or so. When I do this, the sores heal up in just a couple of days rather than a week or more. You have to do it daily (even multiple times a day is alright too) but it always works for me. good luck