Hope this is not a cycle

I finally started to feel a little better! Yay.
My 7 year old has been hacking all weekend, and today, I wake up with a sore throat and the achy sinus infection feeling. My little one has bronchitis, but I feel awful.
The scary thing is that this is how this Godzilla flare started in March.

How often do you get a sinus/cold type of thing and have it not turn into a flare?


I don't get colds often, maybe once or twice a year and they never turn into a flare (knock on wood). Sorry everyone is sick. Hope you all feel better.

Just a girl,

It seems like I am constantly getting colds and sinus infections constantly, but more common are simple allergies. The thing is to make sure to wipe off shopping cart handles, wash hands often, keep them away from face, etc. I also take Black Elderberry (found at Whole Foods) at the first sign of anything in the chest. After three severe pneumonia episodes (ICU severe) any little cold can turn into a life-threatening situation.

Unfortunately, being immuno-compromised means that a little cold or sore throat can become a big issue easily. That means that you need to keep distance from your daughter or make sure that you are protected when near her with mask and gloves and lots of anti-bacterial gel. I know this seems silly, but you can't take care of her if you are flat on your back.

There are some very soothing teas that help with sore throats, sinus issues and breathing.

I do hope the both of you feel better very soon.


I work with the public and get everything that comes down the pike! Colds turn into flares all the time. I have had a cough since early Dec, because of repeated exposure to people's viruses. I need to work so I need to deal with it. Sorry you are feeling so sick. Prayers flying your way!

I never did....just always took me forever to get over being sick. I am just not around small kids much anymore.

Wash your hands....carry those wipes that sanitize your hands and use them constantly ...my 1st rheum taught me a smart thing..public bathrooms...he said he rather i did not wash my hands after peeing than to wash them then grab door handle do to all germs on door handles! I now keep paper towel and use it to grab open door and toss outside bathroom.

that and just constantly washing hands....few times hour ..seemed to help with not getting sick plus i lysol my phone at work daily a few times...since others would use it even though i asked them not too.

If you work or are around small kids....just are doomed. I also went to bed at 7 often in winter when it would be dark by then......go to bed as soon kids did by 8 or 8:30.

GOOD luck.....really hard with small kids...some people i know wear face masks and they swear it helps when out in public, hospitals or again around small kids.

It is so hard to go in public when you have Lupus. I do wipe down shopping carts. If I have to absolutely use a public restroom, I use seat covers and get paper towels set up to grab before I was my hands so when I am ready to dry my hands, I dont have to touch the handle. I then use that towel to grab the door handle.

I got the flu shot this past winter but even with it, I had the flu twice already. I had pneumonia during the winter and several colds and a severe respitory infection. I just had a huge problem with asthma. I tried to do breathing treatments at home but couldn’t get relief. I went to the hopsital and was admitted. I was put on steroids to help and then put on insulin to fix my blood sugars that were off due to the steriods.

It sucks when you have to avoid you own children just to keep from getting sick. Most of my colds came from them. The mask is a great idea.Anything that can prevent me from getting sick, I am willing to try. Having no spleen or tonsils makes it harder than it should be but I really do what I can to be healthy.

Good luck with your daughter and you getting over being sick. I’ll pray things get better for your family.

I got the flu shot also. I get chronic sinus infections. Been on antibiotic 5 times since January alone. I am going back to ENT Friday they are doing an alert test and if that cones back negative I will need sinus surgery. Antibiotic just don’t work for me anymore. And every time I get sick and go on antibiotic I get a flare. I also started seeing a new rheumy and she did a TON of bloodwork and the tests showed I have strep somewhere in my body. So it’s possibly my sinuses. I don’t know what my ENT will do now that I know that. But I have been very sick with flares ad that may be why. Because of the strep. She wants to put me on benylysta. As long as my insurance covers it. I hope it helps. I hope u all feel better. This lupus sucks. I hate it.

That was supposed to be allergy test not alert test. Stupid autocorrect.

Lol@autocorrect. Mine does that too.
Thanks everyone for the prayers and advice!
I have a box of face masks next to my bed now.