More painful orthopedic injures!

so my left knee has been problematic for almost 2 years ..had a multilockulated cystic tumor removed from the patella (the tissue behind the knee cap) January 2011. now i have multiple labural tears and cartilage loss i n both hips,shoulders,wrists ,knees and rib cage but something else has happen in this knee and it hurts! well its all excruciating but this feels different..i have a ton of painful pressure behind and around my knee cap,its swollen , redish purple and i cant bare weight on it ..i called my orthopedic at university of Miami , he's amazing and super smart ..his nurse called me back this morning and said he felt at this point with all my disease induced orthopedic injuries having another MRI wouldn't be worth while...i totally understand his position.. Ive already had 4 MRIs,2 cat scans and a few xrays this year but they did all show damage .. im too sick to have any repair surgeries so all i can do is rest and ice my body even thoughit keeps breaking.. he did want me to get a leg compression device that circulates cold and hot water to in hopes to bring me less pain and help the healing process.... i still want to see him and talk in person so his nurse made an appointment for me this coming Monday before my benlysta treatment so we'll see !?!?

Thank you Ann A.!xoxoxo