Mastectomy tomorrow : (

This has been a whirlwind of doctors visits and tests since I found a lump 2 weeks ago in one of my breasts. It is cancer. Fortunately, it appears it hasn't gone to the lymph nodes, but I'll know for sure after surgery tomorrow. I am so angry. My lupus was inactive, although I still had some bad days. Now I have a scaly rash on both eyelids. I really haven't done much crying...yet. And, I don't wear eyeshadow or any lotions. Is this something to do with the stress? Does anyone else get a rash on their eyelids?

Dear ARTCHIK, ive never heard of this type of rash however I wanted to sent my wishs too you on tommorows surgery. I cannot know the level of pain you are going thru my grandmother had breast cancer many years ago may she rest in peace. so try too have people around you family, friends etc and as we say ( take it as slow and easy as possible ) my sincere wishs for a speedy recovery, and ill prey today tonight you come thru your ordeal as fast, and with minimal pain .VEGAS GIRL................


My prayers go out to you for your surgery tomorrow. God Bless you

I live with that rash every day. It could be that the cancer triggered your lupus causing the rash. I only have one kidney and when my kidney was going downhill my rashes were really bad. Cancer has hit every female on both sides of my family and they kicked cancers butt. Your in my prayers and im here if u need to vent.

I have tiny scales sometimes in the corners of my eyes. I also want you to know that you are brave & strong & I am sending you some healing light.

Thank you for the sweet words. I am not feeling so brave and strong at the moment. My insides are shaking. It's nice to have the extra support from you guys! Hugs!

When I had a major flare in January, I had the typical butterfly rash plus an itchy, scaly rash on my eyelids. My eyes felt dry and irritated like there was sand in them. My face also was so wrinkled I looked twenty years older. Luckily with Prednisone and Plaquenil, , the wrinkles cleared up along with most of the rash. I'm sorry to hear about your cancer diagnosis, and I hope all goes well with your surgery and treatment. Sending positive energy your way!

Wow - as if lupus wasn't enough....

Regarding the rash, I dont get it on the eye lids, I get it on the ear lobes and behind my ears. Go figure! It does disappear with prednisone for me, but not if I'm just on plaquenil so I dont know if its lupus related or not.

Go kick that cancer's butt!


Oh my goodness, I wish you all the best tomorrow. You must be worried, but as a Lupus fighter, you're already a warrior woman, so go kick that cancer :)

As for the rash, I have it on my face and chest when I'm flaring, and during my last flare my eyelids started getting dry and itchy, so maybe it's a sign of things to come. My derm prescribed me a cream that's SUPER expensive, but works well when I'm looking like a butterfly. And she did ask me if I ever experienced rashes on my eyelids, so maybe that is a Lupus thing...

Thinking of you lots.

Best wishes for tomorrow… I know its not easy to handle so much but you are one brave soul. And all our prayers are with you. Stay strong. Warm hugs.

Positive vibes for tomorrow! You have already been through so much and you can do this too! It does sound like the cancer got the lupus going again. I do have trouble with the eyelids from time to time too.

Big hugs,


You are not in this alone, we are all here with you supporting you in anyway that you need. My Mother was a cancer survivor and she wore her mastectomy scare proudly, it doesn't make you any less of a woman. I hope that you can feel my arms and hugs wrapped around you in prayer feel free to click on my link if ever you need someone to talk to I will be there.

As far as Lupus, I get the rash on my face and around my ear lobes and I use the prednisone cream and plaquenil to get rid of it, also you sound like you are photo sensitive if so you must limit the amount of time that you spend out in the Sun, the Sun is Lupus's crytonite it can make you feel sick, weak, nauseaed, faint, and foggy brained and it also triggers sun rashes on our bodies anywhere the Sun hits our skin.

Please keep us updated on your progress

God Speed and God Bless

You guys are the best! I don't feel near as alone as I felt earlier. It won't be a great day, but I have to go through it. Might as well go through it with love, hugs, and humor, right?!

You are so welcome, please let us know if you need anything from us, I know that we don't live where you live but we can do research for you and tell you ways on how to take it easy while you recoup.

artchick said:

You guys are the best! I don't feel near as alone as I felt earlier. It won't be a great day, but I have to go through it. Might as well go through it with love, hugs, and humor, right?!

I made it through the surgery with no problems. I had a room full of family in the holding room as we waited for the OR to be ready. I felt so blessed and so loved at that moment that I wasn’t worried about a thing. The doctors and nurses treated me like a princess. Thank you for your support. I am also surprised that there are lupies that get the eyelid rash like mine! Take care and hugs to you all.

I am glad to hear this. I was thinking of you today. It’s funny how we think of people we don’t know, but we all have so much in common. Keep us updated on your recovery. Hope you feel well as fast as possible :heart:

I'm glad to hear of all the love and support you have. God's Speed for your healing and recovery.

So glad the surgery went well!! Wishing for a speedy recovery!

You are in my thoughts, please keep us updated on your progress as you recoup.

So glad you could feel all the support! Now it continues as you heal!