Making ends meet

Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if anyone has any ideas about ways to make extra money at home. I have checked into several work at home offers and they all seem like scams. I am currently on ssi and unable to work a traditional job. The ssi barely covers the necessities and the medical bills are drowning me in debt. Any suggestions? Thank you for the help

Hello Julie,

I'm so sorry to hear of your circumstances and it's terrible when you have to make ends meet to still get your treatment besides....other members will answer you in due course being from your area but i'm from the UK and you used to get out door work from factories etc and they used to put slips through your door also.

Like you've just mentioned alot have just turned into scams and want you to put money up front before you start and you never see it again, quite a few people have been done over in this country through trusting them.

I wish you all the very best with some good help.

Love Terri xxx

ThanksTerri Nice to know I hnow I have a new friend in the UK. I have anoher e-pal in Austrailia too. I had an idea for a Novelty company after I posted this thread and if I can get the financing will be giving it a whirl. Wish me luck. Everyone on here has been so supportive and kind. and informative too!

Hi Julie,

Your welcome and i mean that because i've seen so many issues with different people trying to get by it's terrible especially with families involved with children but the out door factory work used to be a major help of extra money for alot of families.

Member's will always help best possible in any situation arising that's why i adore them also so much.

If you can come up with a good novelty which you think will sell in the states even better plus with someone helping with financing what they have over here for that, it's called the "Dragon's Den" i bet it's on your tele....millionnaires putting into peoples good ideas. xxxx

Julie said:

ThanksTerri Nice to know I hnow I have a new friend in the UK. I have anoher e-pal in Austrailia too. I had an idea for a Novelty company after I posted this thread and if I can get the financing will be giving it a whirl. Wish me luck. Everyone on here has been so supportive and kind. and informative too!

Do u craft any? That’s a good way to make money when u can ad it is soooooooo fun!

Hello Julie,

If you come up with a good idea....keep we updated please mate. xxx

Just an update I applied for a grant from the government to cover the materials to get started with my novelty aprons. If I get the grant I should be able to get started right away. If all goes as planned. I should make a modest profit of 15.00 per apron. I am looking for local craft festivals to sell them at so I can have all that in place when the financing comes through. I will keep you all posted. :)

Hello Julie,

I do admire the get up and go mate...good on ya.

Did they say how long it would be before they'd let you know about getting the grant? looking for places to sell them in the meantime helps.

Well at least your preparing yourself ready....they do grants also in the UK to get people up and started.

I wish you all the best and wait to hear your next update on if you've been excepted.

((A large hug to you & all the best)) Terri xxx

Thank you so Much Tez. I will keep you posted it takes about 4-6 weeks to hear about the grant. :)

Tez_20 said:

Hello Julie,

I do admire the get up and go mate...good on ya.

Did they say how long it would be before they'd let you know about getting the grant? looking for places to sell them in the meantime helps.

Well at least your preparing yourself ready....they do grants also in the UK to get people up and started.

I wish you all the best and wait to hear your next update on if you've been excepted.

((A large hug to you & all the best)) Terri xxx

Hi Julie,

I love your ideas with the aprons....something most people would find very useful! I trust things work out for you. And it is great you feel like doing it. It is difficult for me to look down to do the many crafty things I used to do. Please keep us posted. Hugs Faye

Hi Julie,

Thanks for letting me know how long it takes and keep we updated when you can and i hope it really works for you can get an income coming into your home to live properly.

All my love Terri xxx