I'm good at giving advice, and not using it myself. I fight to remain positive. I want my independence, and crave the old me back. I am writing a lot before I go into any details so no one will be able to hit the front page and read this. Not having a pity party, but a meltdown anyone without or with lupus plus umpteen other health things to deal with would have under the circumstances.
I am letting myself and everyone who needs to be able to count on me down. Fact.
The world is falling apart around me, and instead of being able to constructively help, I'm getting worse by the day. Yes, I'm beating the snot out of myself over this. You would think I'd be all cried out by now.
A son who we thought was serious about changing his choices and attitude has not - he was here today, angry, disrespectful, acting like the poster child for prison any day now, and I had to make him leave. He needs a dual diagnosis admission, (brain chemistry issues and addiction) and it takes a court order to get it, Try getting that with a twenty five year old who says he is fine despite numerous occasions of being a danger to himself and others, including a serious legal conviction. You can't help someone who won't help themselves. I keep saying it over and over. 2 other children in crisis, different reasons, and have been told by everyone I'm not there for them. My jaw is still on the floor.
Yet, I was "that mom" who walked away from a career to be a full time stay at home mom. I chose to. Do not regret a second of it. Always dependable, positive loving home environment despite many challenges, and yet I get blamed for all their poor choices as adults? You don't stop loving and being a mother because you become ill, or they turn 18, and their poor adult choices are not your fault, but the world looks at it differently. Everyone is sitting in judgement instead of seeing reality.
My old as dirt beloved furbabies were helped to say goodbye a week ago. Their housemate was grieving herself to death, so I made another rescue. He's a love. So an adolescent beagle mix to now train.
My husband and I love each other and I feel so guilty my health issues stand in the way of contributing financially to our household, and his wanting to travel. He has stuck by me through thick and thin for 18 years. Doesn't he deserve more?
Bottom line is the stress, of this and more, makes me want to hide under the covers, curled up, and never come out. Each day brings more physical pain, symptoms, hurdles to jump over. I'm at my breaking point.
This isn't living, it's barely surviving. I no longer know how to stop this insanity I'm wrapped up in the middle of. It feels like no matter how hard I try, it keeps getting worse. The lupus, especially my heart, kidneys, nervous system, and add in spinal issues (12 known bad discs, putting off surgery, won't do well right now), are progressing very quickly. I feel so helpless and inadequate. These ungodly diseases, WHEN they can name them, are ... just too much to bear.
I'm sorry. I know I should hit delete. But I'm hoping someone else might have come through times like these, and can help me regain hope, which is fading fast. This took hours to write and correct. If it is too long or makes no sense ignore and forget it.
Thanks if you read along. I'm not good at asking for help, but I really need it right now. Overwhelmed and fighting a losing battle so it seems. My latest flare was settling down, but coming back with a vengeance.