Swollen lymph nodes

Wondering if anyone else suffers from enlarged and painful lymph nodes, particularly in the groin area? This, and strange red spots on the palms of my hands, seem to be the indication of a lupus flare starting. Then comes the major fatigue and more. I suppose everyone has different symptoms and different kinds of flares. Just wondering if anyone can relate to what I have going on. Thanks!

Hi Jennifer,

I can relate to the lymph nodes and a good many member's in due course...these are an issue with Lupus.

I suffered with them in the groin but now it's my face and i've got another two developing, i had one operated on twice on my face and also had one removed from my throat they grow at different levels but if they do get to big you should see your GP and get a referal for them to be removed.

I get the red spots up my arms and legs plus neck at times but they mainly break when it's a flare plus if your fatigue is hitting you bad, then it sounds here like you have a chronic flare going on, that's when several issues are all going on at one time...a noraml flare is say just a rash occuring on it's on or joints swelling on there own.

To find out more on Lymph nodes...press on Discussions and above all the threads on the left side at the top, you'll see Forum Discussions (874) type in the search box "Lymph Nodes" quite a view threads will show on the discussion of them for you to view.

Love Terri xxx


I get swollen glades in my neck under my arms and in the groin area. This usually is assoicated with a low grade fever and fatguie. I have been told it is a part of the lupus. In time it will go away for me.

Good luckā€¦Deenie

Hi Deenie,

I must be getting them through being run down plus fatigue and at the moment i've got two developed again one by my left ear where the other one was operated on to removed it and the other by my jaw on the same side.

I've got to see my GP about another referal to get those removed before they get to big.

Love Terri xxx

Hello Jennifer,

How are you concerning the lymph nodes since you added your thread and have you been to you GP about them?

Love Terri xxx

Thanks for asking. My nodes are still painful and swollen, but not quite as bad. I have not been to my GP. This happens when I seem to flare, so I am thinking it is just part of the process. I wasn't sure if this is typical with lupus patients, which is why I started the thread. Glad to know it's not just me. How are you feeling?

Tez_20 said:

Hello Jennifer,

How are you concerning the lymph nodes since you added your thread and have you been to you GP about them?

Love Terri xxx

Hello Jennifer,

Wheather they're happening in a flare or not, lupus causes the lymph nodes and needs to be seen by a doctor because when they operated on me they told me they prefer removing them, than if they become in larged, so please see your GP.

I'm feeling better with the flare removed but if i had my legs and middle finger on my right hand chopped off tomorrow i would'nt miss them one bit...my fingers painful like frost bite and my legs hurt besides spasms, it feels a times like i'm carrying parts of someone else, if you get my drift.

It's a right life at times...you takecare and all my love Terri xxx


I have swollen Lymph glands in neck under chin area & one isiolated lump at L3/4 on spine. Also have both palms & all 10 (fingers palm side) covered with strange red spots & plaques (which I assumed were the spots joining up). As opposed to the more classic leisions/sores from Scalp to Toes.

The finger pads & palm spots are really quite painfull & I was concerned if it got worse I may lose tissue & function. TODAY my G.P. explained no chance of necrosis & that as a new Lupus Pt in the midst of first line treatments to get things under control, the hands/fingers would get worse initially, & them improve. GREAT relief, the hand situation is quite disabling & I was scared to be honest.

Kind Regards Kaz

[Cutaenous Discoid Lupus, problems last 20 weeks Dx 2 weeks ago]

Hello Zaz,

With so many lymph nodes i'd ask your GP for referal t have them removed especially if you have biggish ones.

You've got a fare few problems with skin issues and how you've stated
(Cutaenous Discoid Lupus, problems last 20 weeks)...yours may have gone 20wks because of having combined issues and these that are cmbined with several things are called chronic which can stretch to 6wks or more and in your case 20wks...that's why you need an anti-malerial drug such as plaquenil to help ease these issues off.

Some situations can be frightening Kaz and reading this link may help you also.



I have swollen Lymph glands in neck under chin area & one isiolated lump at L3/4 on spine. Also have both palms & all 10 (fingers palm side) covered with strange red spots & plaques (which I assumed were the spots joining up). As opposed to the more classic leisions/sores from Scalp to Toes.

The finger pads & palm spots are really quite painfull & I was concerned if it got worse I may lose tissue & function. TODAY my G.P. explained no chance of necrosis & that as a new Lupus Pt in the midst of first line treatments to get things under control, the hands/fingers would get worse initially, & them improve. GREAT relief, the hand situation is quite disabling & I was scared to be honest.

Kind Regards Kaz

[Cutaenous Discoid Lupus, problems last 20 weeks Dx 2 weeks ago]