Genetic Profiling Can Predict Some Lupus Manifestations
People with lupus can experience a wide variety of disease-related manifestations, including nephritis (kidney inflammation) and skin rashes. The variability of these symptoms likely results from underlying genetic factors. While most studies have focused on identifying the presence of specific genes that increase the risk of developing lupus, few studies have focused on which genes may give rise to which manifestations of lupus. Identification of which genes may be associated with which lupus manifestations could help facilitate the future development of personalized medicine for people with lupus.
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Variable Effects of Two Influenza A (H1N1) Vaccinations in People with Lupus
Most of the world’s population had little or no pre-existing immunological protection against the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) pandemic. People with lupus were considered to be at especially high risk and were recommended for vaccination. Relatively little is known, however, about the effects of influenza vaccinations in people with lupus. This vaccination had variable effects in people with lupus and depended on their white blood cell count and on whether they were taking immune-suppressing drugs. The results highlight the importance of acquiring increased knowledge about and perhaps developing additional strategies for vaccinating people with lupus against influenza A (H1N1).
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Long-Term Impairments of Functioning in Obese Women with Lupus
Relatively few studies have been conducted about the role and effects of obesity in the lives of people with lupus. Obesity is associated with disability, both in the general population and among people with lupus. Since up to half of people with lupus may be obese, it is important to determine to what extent specific functions (such as walking or climbing stairs) are impaired in people with lupus. Identification of preventable risk factors for disability, such as obesity, has the potential to decrease the negative effects of obesity on functioning in people with lupus.
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Lupus Foundation of America Awards the Gina M. Finzi Student Fellowships in Lupus Research
The Lupus Foundation of America (LFA) is pleased to announce the 2011 Gina M. Finzi Memorial Student Fellowship Program grantees. This unique program seeks to cultivate an interest in lupus research among young investigators by supporting basic, clinical, and psychosocial research studies under the supervision of an established investigator.