Is Lupus genetic?

So I recently got diagnosised with a mild case of Lupus SLE and it was from a precular event and mostly blood work. I don't have many symptoms other then the extreme fatigue, one random joint pain/swelling episode, and random fevers. But my question is mostly about my brother. He is eight years older then I am and backin September he started having joint pain and swelling in his hands and wrists. Before that he had mouth ulcers/sores that he didn't feel and his dentist actually sent of biopsy samples to check or cancer (thankfully it was negative). He has been sick with flu-like symptoms on and off for quite sometime and recently has been strugguling with fatigue. He has high blood pressure and is a type II diabetic (off medication), he's under a lot of stress at work and doesn't have the best diet. He also has porphyria, he has been photosesative since the late 90's (mostly from the porphyria) and he went bald in the early 2000's (can't tell about hairloss) . He's allergic to most NSAIDs ( mostly his liver can't process the drugs). He has gone for blood work and it has all been negative (but I don't know exactly what he has been tested for and I don't trust his PCP). I'm wondering if he should try and see a rhuematologist what do people think? Honestly I think he has more symptoms then I do, but his bloodwork is all normal. My plan was to ask my rhuematologist what he thinks the next time I see him (if I remember). But in the meantime I wanted other peoples opion on what I should do!!! Thanks!!

The specific SLE test I had came back negative but my doc sent me to a rheumatologist anyway. The rheumatologist did 12 viles of blood tests and some markers came back on the high side. She told me that most rheumatologists do the whole battery of tests now because the standard tests can give a false negative. Send him. Better safe than sorry. Men tend to have greater difficulty with lupus for some reason.

Yes, there is a genetic component to it. You inherit the predisposition to develop an autoimmune disorder but which one you get is anyone’s guess. For example, my mom has RA, my sister has vasculitis, I have lupus, sjogren’s, and a few others, my aunt has unspecified, my cousin has scleroderma, anorher cousin has Sjogren’s, and many family members have thyroid issues. It runs on both sides of my family tree. I joke that I got the “cess” part of our family gene pool. Lol

Jeannine, My maternal aunt had lupus. There is a genetic connection but it is not defined at this time. I say, yes, he should be tested! NVNG=nothing ventured nothing gained. All the best to you and your brother, Lupancatwoman

From everything I have read about it, Lupus is genetic. And it often skips generations. My 1/2 sister from my dad did a DNA screen some time ago that showed she was in the group very likely to get Lupus. She doesn't have it now tho. I had my daughter do the ANA screen, and it was fortunately negative. I believe it takes exposure to things in the environment to trigger it. I highly suspect GMOs as a trigger for all the AI disease we see these days.

I suffer from Lupus as well over 30 years now, Im turning 50 this year, I would have him do blood work again and use a different Lab, Have him visit the Rhermatoglist and tell them what he is feeling, I have three children 2 twins and my daughter, I had my daughter tested and she came back negative, but one gene stated perhaps years down the road it can change, Now one of my twins the smaller one get's alot of colds, tired more than usual and Im thinking of getting him tested, but I dont want to arlam him, because they always say to me, Mom if u have Lupus are we going to get it too...breaks my heart... Joint pain, photo senstive it could be other issues not just Lupus, My cousin has fibromalga-dont know if I spelled it right and she is negative for Lupus but has the fatigue, joint pain ect.....keep doing blood work for other issues.

Good Luck


Thanks everyone for the feed back, I’ll talk to him again and urge him to look for a rheumatologist and more blood work. I was also reading that there is a genetic component but I haven’t really seen many brothers and sisters having lupus. But thanks again!!

I have lupus and Hashimoto's. My brother has myasthenis gravis another autoimmune disease. My tests are also negative since I have been on plaquenil again. My symptoms are there and that's what my docotors go by. My thyroid did take another dip so I had to increase that med. It's always something. I think that everyone has great advice for you. See if you can find new doctors for him.