Yes, I have always just thought that the Lupus is sort of the "overall" disease that everything else is caused by. I don't really know tho. Just figured that all the symptoms were there because of the Lupus. Wow, this is harder to explain than I thought. LOL!
Years ago, I got into doing some things in the book, Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental Health, and it has stayed with me to this day, making things just a bit easier than I think they would have been had I not done it. I am pretty sure I wouldn't have made it to this point had I not done it. You might try taking a look at it. Doing it took mucho pain out of my life. LOL! I think that was a very good thing for me!
Tez_20 said:
Hello RJQ,
You do make me laugh with your comments...wished i carried your temprement, christ i've always been such a serious person and it's a shame i carry no dimples in my cheeks either. lol
Are you with the sjogrens seperate site as i can't remember sorry (mashed up marbles again) and sorry to hear you got the Lupus after but they reckon if you get an autoimmune disease another follows TIPICLE. :)
Lupus does cause the extra illnesses that every individual would have without Lupus but with it's genes it causes other autoimmune diseases to start, that's why alot of tests are different for different diseases.
When your mentioning the book and how it helped you...did you add to that book or did the book just help you...sorry but not just getting the drift of how you've explained it :(
I guess what I was trying to say about Lupus and the other related diseases is that it is all encompassed in the Lupus? Not completely sure, but with so many people who have Lupus having so many of the other stuff, just seems like it is all in one basket, so to speak.
OK, Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental Health is a book, written in 1950, that contains information that when used by two people learning how to use it at the same time, can help both of those people, who do what is called "Co-auditing", basically using the processes in the book-get a handle on, and get rid of, pain in their lives, which often translates into mental pain, but physical pain often disappears, too. Does that make sense?
I've heard of co-auditing but your the first who's mentoned actually doing it and if it helped you then all the better for it i say.
Yes it makes sense mate...some how your last message i could'nt get the drift SORRY :)
RJQ said:
I guess what I was trying to say about Lupus and the other related diseases is that it is all encompassed in the Lupus? Not completely sure, but with so many people who have Lupus having so many of the other stuff, just seems like it is all in one basket, so to speak.
OK, Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental Health is a book, written in 1950, that contains information that when used by two people learning how to use it at the same time, can help both of those people, who do what is called "Co-auditing", basically using the processes in the book-get a handle on, and get rid of, pain in their lives, which often translates into mental pain, but physical pain often disappears, too. Does that make sense?
I am just now seeing this and believe me when I say I NEEDED it. I've been most fortunate that my physical symptoms are minimal at the moment, but my mind is everywhere. I don't attribute it to just LUPUS alone. I lost my mother unexpectedly 2 months ago yesterday and I imagine grief is playing part. I find some days I'm 'ok' being out of work and I'm fairly productive at home. However, when it's bad it seems my mind gets frustrated and even angry over things I have no control over. This used to not be me. But my emotions have totally gone amuck as of late. I do pray and I have in God, just not in myself. It's just a relief to know that I'm not alone in the emotional side of things. Thank you for sharing!
I'm totally the same Lupus definitely plays an high control on emotions and like you say feeling all over the place, i've always had a bad temper but my god it's got worse things annoy me quickly and regarding messing with thoughts and concentration is what we don't need because without those on a steady level your minds all over the place.
Thanks for adding the "Abstract" because it's funny my temporal-lobe epilepsy started at 14yrs old by having Autisum trances then come 16yrs old till i was 18 i lived on sunbeds down a gym besides working out and at 18 bang my full seizures exposed themselves but took for something else as you known.
Then i had a canopy sunbed at home before i was diagnosed in 2008 with cutaneous discoid Lupus....Lupus mimicing ringworm.