Low Dose Naltrexone

Hi everyone! Has anyone tried LDN or Low Dose Naltrexone together with Alpha Lipoic Acid? If yes, how was it? I was told that it’s not an immune suppressor nor an immune booster. What it does is it modulates. I’d like to know for those who tried this, does it work? How long before you’ve seen results?

Piper, My doctor was thinking about prescribing it (Naltrexone 4-5 mg) as a compounded formula, then he realized I am on Cymbalta, which should not be taken with Naltrexone. I know people who have taken Alpha Lipoic Acid, but I'm not sure what it does alone. I'll have to research. All the best to you, LupanCatwoman

Hi Piper . Nice to meet you. I started on LDN about a year ago. I started very low at .025 and have worked up very slowly to 1.5 mg. My goal is 3. I use a topical creme that I rub on my inner wrists at night. I also have Lyme disease and I find that LDN does really help. I have less overall pain, better outlook, more energy and muscle spasms are less. It is definitely something I wouldn't give up. I would give it a try but start slowly. Also, if your dr. gives you a capsule and its not working, ask for the creme. I am a very sensitive person and the capsules were too much for me. The only side effects I had when I started was a little insomnia but nothing serious and really cool dreams. The latter is something I enjoy. Everytime I move up a little, I might get more of those for a few days. Go slow is key. Take care, Lori

Hi again :) Regarding ALA, I also take that in a capsules form three times a day. It helps with detox for me and general "feeling better". I agree that it is a modulator. When i stop the ALA, my liver enzymes go up so I stay on it all the time. I see a holistic dr. and I feel very lucky to work with him. I am not on a ton of meds, only the LDN and a natural thyroid support right now. Happy Fourth!

I am going to start LDN soon; my doctor says it takes about 3 months to really be fully in your system. I’m very hopeful, especially since there are so few and minor side effects. I was going to ask about this but you beat me to it :-). I too am curious to read other responses.

I have taken it for about two years…could never get above 1mg because i couldn’t sleep…but it gives me just enough of a little boost during the day. It worked right away for me. Before i took it, i couldn’t get any housework done. For the past few months my health has had a lot of complications so Im thinking of getting off it to see if it makes any difference. Did not take ALA with it.


I’m not familiar with what meds shouldn’t be taken along with LDN. My doctors said I take it, so I did. She knows the other meds I’m taking anyway. Good for you your doctor realized that. I’ve heard of cases which were like yours, but did take LDN which made them worse than better.


Nice to meet you too. My doctor started me on LDN and ALA. She asked me to take LDN on bedtime. She did say why but I forgot. Anyway, i noticed that every time i take the LDN, in just a few minutes, i feel sleepy already. I’m taking 3mg btw.


Good to hear that it takes around 3 months. At least now I have an idea. All I know is it differs from person to person so I was expecting to feel something different after a week of taking it. At least now my expectation has been managed.


LDN had a different effect on me. It’s like sleeping pills. Before I started taking it, I was having a hard time sleeping. When I started taking it, i sleep like a baby. I do noticed having vivid dreams though. That’s fine for as long as they are not like those in the horror movies. Haha! My doctor specifically told me to take LDN with ALA.

I know that is like the only sore effect of LDN according to my doctor; crazy vivid dreams. Not nightmares, but dreams. I’m kinda curious myself and will try to embrace that when the time comes since I know so many other meds have such worse side effects. I know you cannot take any opiates while taking LDN. I’m currently on a lot of tramadol. I will have to wean off and clear it from my system before I start. But I do not know if any other med interactions.

My wife took LDN for few months, but as her flares were started up,we stopped LDN.

we reached 1mg and we stopped before we could reach our goal of 3 mg.

she was feeling slightly better with it and we took it before bed - between

9 PM to 10 PM, which gave her good sleep.

To my knowledge, when you take it before bed - it gives sleep and

help your body to secreate "endorphines" which is a "Pain bearing" hormone.

So you could be with less/No pain for a day-till you take the next dose.


My internet comnnection has prevented me from logging in to my account. Vivid dreams are fine for as long as they’re not nightmares. I hope you get to start LDN soon.

Kelly said:

I know that is like the only sore effect of LDN according to my doctor; crazy vivid dreams. Not nightmares, but dreams. I’m kinda curious myself and will try to embrace that when the time comes since I know so many other meds have such worse side effects. I know you cannot take any opiates while taking LDN. I’m currently on a lot of tramadol. I will have to wean off and clear it from my system before I start. But I do not know if any other med interactions.

I take LDN too around that time. Gives me a good night sleep. LDN is suppose to be a modulator isn’t it? Did it cause the flare?

Karthik said:

My wife took LDN for few months, but as her flares were started up,we stopped LDN.

we reached 1mg and we stopped before we could reach our goal of 3 mg.

she was feeling slightly better with it and we took it before bed - between

9 PM to 10 PM, which gave her good sleep.

To my knowledge, when you take it before bed - it gives sleep and

help your body to secreate "endorphines" which is a "Pain bearing" hormone.

So you could be with less/No pain for a day-till you take the next dose.
