Low Body Temp?

so I was having the chills I feel when I usually have a fever and so I took my temp and it was actually 94.8..?!?.. has anyone else experienced this?

Usually mine is between 96° and 97° I would call your doctor or go to the er with that low of a temp. IMO

Yes, almost ever day around 7pm I’m freezing my body temp is around 96.8 I have to wrap up in my heating blanket because my body will ache so bad especially in my right arm & elbow I feel your pain

Please retake to make sure there was not an error with the instrument you used. If its still the same I would go to E.R. or urgent care.

How did you take it? If it was taken by mouth, make sure you didn’t just drink something cold or eat something cold. If it was with a battery operated ear or forehead thermometer, check the batteries to make sure they’re still good. My ear thermometer started giving me weird readings when the battery was low.

And then there's the old fashioned mercury thermometer. If you can find one and know how to use it. Take care.

Thanks all! i have two thermometers and took it several times to make sure. sure enough it was. I pilled the clothes and blankets and in an hr or so it went 95* and the nurse hotline said as long as its 95* or above ill be ok. Not sure what brought it down so low. Was it from begin outside? From just getting over my sickness? who knows..... I usually run 96*-97.7* but have never seen that low.....

Mine usually runs 97.6ish...sometimes it has dropped lower. I never thought to worry about it.

I usually run a subnormal temp 97. I think your thermometer might not be working. Make sure you didn't eat or drink anything cool before u took it. Take it again with another thermometer if it's still 94 wrap up in a warm blanket, socks & warm clothes. Lupus pt's sometimes have difficulty regulating body temperature.

If your temp is that low, you need to go to the ER. My temp usually runs between 96 and 97. Once it got to 95, and I was sick.

Always retake your Temp, when mine drops that low there is usually an infection brewing. Not all infections show with a fever

Louters...be sure to wait about half hour after eating or drinking before you take your temperature. Lots of things can cause temp to be low. I have Lyme disease and that can cause low temps alternating with fevers. Don't leave any stones unturned. Get checked out for everything.


Try sitting in a very very warm tub of water for as long as you can stand it, this should bring up your temp faster.

Hi Louters,

Low body temp indicates a problem of hypothyroid, and sometimes hypoadrenal. That is really low. You should see a Dr. about your endocrine system.

I just Googled it, and this Dr. said exactly the same thing. http://www.newsmaxhealth.com/Dr-Brownstein/body-temperature-indications-hypothyroidism/2013/08/07/id/519157

Another said it's borderline hypothermic. Moving your body or even your arms and legs, or a hot bath, or drinking a hot beverage will raise your temperature for a little while. Keep us posted..

Hi! try drinking citrus fluids!!!! pineapple , orange, mango juices -they really help me ...Beverly L.

Thanks you for all the input!! My doctor said its was probably just related to the flu I was just getting over. So far its been staying around my normal temp. It scared my mom really bad, she is a nurse and has seen people get really low temps, get some sort of infection and die. She didnt want to leave me that night, I kept her posted as it slowly raised through the night. I hate scaring her! This journey has been so hard on both of us. But I couldnt imagine going through it without her! :)

I haven't been able to get the long underwear yet, so I just use my leggings for now, my boots and several pairs of socks.Not including the many layers of shirts and tank tops. I have been staying in as much as I can and going out only when I have too. My whole body aches anytime I set foot out in the cold.
Ann A. said:

Louters My Dear,

Did you ever get that long underwear that we talked about back in the fall? Thermals and especially Silks can help you not get too warm inside and still protect you from having your body temperature drop when you are outside. I would have never survived Chicago with lupus if I had not really learned to layer starting from the inside. Since my normal body temperature is only around 96 - because of the hypothyroidism - it does not take much exposure to outside cold temperatures for me to become really chilled. Tomorrow the temperature in Chicago will range from a high of 23 to a low of -13 (before the wind chill factor is taken into account). No way for me to survive that without layering from the inside out.

Good luck with the rest of January and February and March.

That's funny.
Ann A. said:

I promise you that good thermal underwear can make a real difference. As do good boots. I went to a class at the university yesterday in my hunting boots. no one said a word until i was leaving the supermarket. the young man who put the groceries in my car said, maam, i like your boots.

Stay warm.

Love that! I am thankful I was able to find warm buts that are still stylish! :) We are supposed to get a heat wave this weekend and hit *30! I am expecting to see people out in shorts.

Ann A. said:

I promise you that good thermal underwear can make a real difference. As do good boots. I went to a class at the university yesterday in my hunting boots. no one said a word until i was leaving the supermarket. the young man who put the groceries in my car said, maam, i like your boots.

Stay warm.

I used to have hunting boots growing up, we all had them for hunting. I think they were Red Ball brand, very warm. I'll wear anything as long as they feel good. Better to have your own style rather than following the crowd, I think. :')

Ann A. said:

Guys if you knew where I lived you would understand that my Walmart hunting camo boots are considered stylish by large segments of the local population. I also own combat boots. I just have not broken them in yet. My grandson - the image consultant - says that when he was young he thought that I had no sense of style. But as he got older he started to recognize my sense of personal style. Those hunting boots look good me. And warm dry feet do too.