Ive been in the hospital for some weeks now, having different surgeries done to get rid of these blood clots and im so tired. I miss my son, im tired of being poked. My arms look like im an addict. Im hoping I get to go home today. Is anybody else always in and out the hospital?
When I was first diagnosed with lupus, I was in the hospital for almost 2 weeks, and strictly on bed rest for having DVT, had 2 blood clots in one of my legs. and then I had to go back weekly to the hospital for check-ups, which gradually went from weekly to monthly throughout the years. Also was hospitalized like anually for a few years at first for appendicitis and some flares. Constantly being poked and proded definitely gets annoying, and has made me so stubborn to going to the doctors for anything these days, lol. And someone before has referenced me to being a drug addict by asking "why I have track marks on my arms" when in reality it was an ugly combination of stretch marks and marks from getting blood drawn all the time, but ignorance will be ignorance and it is what it is. But stay strong, and focus on getting healthy as I'm sure your son would rather enjoy a healthy momma ;) ! Best of luck to you and hope you get better soon!!!
Thank you lynn4545, I’m hanging in here. When I was first diagnosed I was in the hospital for the whole summer and in April I had a hip replacement and now this, this is one place that you don’t get use too. Its good to hear from someone who knows where im coming from.
You're welcome! and that's why this site is amazing, just to be able to associate with people who can relate. And I agree 100%, hopefully you'll be able to get out of there sooner than later!!
You guys are very brave. I am stubborn and refuse to go to the hospital for anything. The one time I finally agreed to go, after my doctor advised me to go to the emergency room right away, I was stuck in the waiting room for a third of the day. A wait that long does a few things; the lights made me worse, I was hungry, both of which set off a lupus headache, and the pain I showed up for subsided enough for me to not care about it enough to stick around. People were there crowding up the place for the common cold, the flu, and other minor things. I could not take it any more and left. Many people were furious, but they don't realize how scared, literally, I am of such places. You two bravely go and get the care you very much need, and I am glad for it. If you did not go, perhaps you would not be here today for your families. Please, do not loose faith. Be strong, knowing that when we are weak Jehovah God will give us the strength we need to endure. I am glad that we live in a place that those like us can get the care they need. We are blessed in many ways. You two are such a blessing of encouragement to others, though you may not see it. Please, keep sharing and don't forget to smile and laugh. These are the things that keep us going.
Love to you both,
Thanks Mindy for your encouragement but remember use those words for yourself as well, the hospital can be a very scary place but you dont want to sit at home and not know whats going on with your body because things could get worse. Im not saying this to scare you but to inform you, there has been many times where I didnt want to go to the hospital but when I got there I was glad I had came because things were more serious than I thought. I was reading your profile and I see you take prednisone, be careful with that medication and if you can help it dont stay on it long. I was on it for a year and a half when I first found out I had lupus and it is the reason why I had to have one of my hips replaced and I have to have the other one done as well. I hope your appointment goes well, may you be blessed.
Hang in there! You will get better. I too was in and out of the hospital. I was either in a hospital or nursing home for eight months in 2013. I came home at the end of January so I’ve been home now for four months. I missed my kids and family too. It was so hard because after awhile people stopped coming to see me. My parents and husband kept coming but the kids didn’t want to after awhile because it was boring. Lol. They are teenager boys. They would come every once in awhile though. Since then I have been to the ER twice for reactions to medications.
I hope I never have to stay over night in one again. I’m like you all too I don’t go for just anything any more. I muster through pain and discomfort now. I only go if it’s REALLY unbearable now.
Get well soon!
Be strong, refuse to let this control your life. We are all in your corner
I’m honestly feeling you. I stay in & out the hospital so much that my son & I have began to name different states, countries or cities as a vacation destination. Its hard but take it easy & let them take care of you while you’re there so you don’t go right back. I find that the hardest. Keep praying & I keep all of the board in my prayers. Stay strong & be the best mommy from there it works just make up games, draw pictures, video chat & snuggle
when you can. God bless you.
It is awful to be in the hospital hope you get out soon. I have experienced it and
It is scary
Hope you feel better soon!iwas in the hospital afew days last week during a horrendous flare and a month before that for surgery… going back in on 6/1/14 for and endoscopy. Unfortunately multiple hospital visit / surgeries is apart of our diseases
It is really nasty having to go to the ER and/or hospital so often. I lost track of how many times I went via ambulance and how many times my husband drove me. A variety of problems all lupus related and stays from a few hours to a few weeks. This was pretty much a monthly occasion until that particular flare passed. I wish I had some words of encouragement but I am barely hanging on right now. however this too shall pass Just hold on and know that God.will give you the strength you need.