I'm making Progress

It's been almost 4 months since my major foot surgery. Thank you to all of you for listening to me whine and moan. It's the worst thing I've gone through, and at times I didn't think I was going to be able to walk again normally. I'm about half way there, but this week I was able to wear the pair of slippers that I wore into surgery : ) I had to take out the orthopedic insert, because my foot is still so swollen, but its better. I also got to buy a new pair of shoes. I was able to wear them for half an hour, so I can start to increase the time. Still working on strength, but one day at a time.

I was having such a good day yesterday, and my fatigue had been better this week that I think I can work again. I know that I can't return to the warehouse anymore, but I'm sure I can handle a desk job. I'm ready to try again, which is something I had given up before.

I hope everyone can see the BIG SMILE : ) on my face.

Love to you all for your support...Trisha

Hello Trisha,

I can imagine the SMILE from your Avatar and it only seems like yesterday not 4mths that as gone so quick it's unbelieveable.

I'm really pleased for you and i bet Tommy is as he's been so caring with what you've said but to get to slipper and shoe stage "Congratulations mate" clapping hands above head smiley

Regarding a job...i'd say definitely a desk job and i hope the recovery keeps going strong and well Trisha as you totally deserve it with what you've gone through prayer hands smiley

Your loving friend Terri xxx


That is AWESOME! Good for you. Knew you would get there and sounds like everyday is better and better.

So happy for you.

Big hugs & kisses,



Congratulations! I am so excited for you! It is great to see someone overcome something and get back to working. It gives me hope! Thank you for sharing this! You made me smile too! :smiley:



Hello Trisha, I am very happy to hear that you are feeling much better physically as well as emotionally, I totally understand how you were feeling, back in April of 2012 I had a detached retna, and fear of the unknown made me a emotional wreck! I didn't know if I would ever be able to work again, see again in my right eye, drive again, or anything, I was so use to having two eyes that when one went bad it was one of the worst situations I have had in my life, the doctors said it wasn't the lupus that was causing the problem but I still believe that it may have something to do with lupus, plaquenil can have a effect on the eyes and I have been on plaquenil for 10 years now, once I was able to go back to work I felt much much better, but I still feel like my eye situation has changed my personality/confidence a little, I don't smile as much as I use to but I pray about it and try not to let it get the best of me, I feel self conscious because my vision still is not back to normal even though I have had 2 surgeries thus far, and I still have silicone oil in my eye that has to be removed, I am praying that once the silicone is removed I will see clearly again. I am praying for you and your situation, thanks for listening to me about mine. :0) God Bless You! Lady CJ

Hello Trisha,

How you been mate since posting your discussion?...Good i hope :)

Hello Terri

I started wearing the fixed ankle boot walker again, I had been trying to just get around without it so I can work on my flexibility. My ankle pain increased as well as the swelling, but I was feeling so great - I just over did it. And I was having trouble stumbling over rugs because I'm not able to flex my foot well. I have given up the crutches altogether, and just use a cane now, so I'm happy about that : )

I have an appointment Tuesday at the University to help me with my resume and my career search. This is the perfect opportunity, while I'm still on leave from work : )

Hello Trisha,

Lovely to hear off you :)

Sometimes Trisha we can push issues when it's not meant to be and i was really happy when you said you got to slippers etc but for it to swell it's not ready yet so it's best to wear ankle boot perhaps it needs that more support yet for a while.

Well not being able to flex your foot you've said it all, your foots not ready...take it steady with the boot and walking stick and watch the swelling and if that keeps down more and does'nt occur in time as your going along...that's when you maybe able to test yourself more but do it for an hour gradually work it daily, so your not pressuring your foot.

I hope your appointment as gone well today and update if you don't mind.

((Hugs Terri )) xxx

Congrats!! Great attitude which I believe is sometimes half the battle. It’s a slow recovery but you are doing great and you will get there. Positive thoughts your way :wink: