Hi everyone, i'm new to this website but not new to lupus...I started having symptoms when I was 11, I'm now 48 but life is good ! Yeah I've been thru quite a bit but I'm still here and I am very blessed and even more so to have discovered you guys ! I have a question...does anyone have a problem with headaches ? I have migraines & pretty much can tackle that but right now I have a heaviness mostly all day. I'm on blood thinners so aspirin is out...any suggestions? Plz help...Thx...BE BLESSED !
I get the headaches and heaviness aswell it’s almost like a fuzzy feeling isn’t it and you can’t think straight… I just take paracetamol if it gets too bad otherwise I just try to ignore it… The best thing you can do is drink plenty of water and keep hydrated because I know not enough water can make headaches worse
hope I helped a bit
Thx Cayleigh I'll make sure I stay hydrated ! I'm not familiar with paracetamol. Is it a script ? These headaches are different from migraines & I thought it was stress. It seems the older I get or the longer I have lupus the more sensitive I become, I'll catch a headache if the weather changes !
The water suggestion is the TRUTH. I have found that when I am dehydrated, I get headaches, lightheaded, foggy etc....
Paracetamol is an English typical pain killer you can get it in supermarkets over here… It’s a really safe painkiller you might be able to get it online it’s used all the time over here
I’m 49 and get migraines too as well as regular headaches. Paracetamol would be Tylenol pretty much over here. I always drink a Gatorade when headachy as electrolytes help quicker than water. I also lay in cool dark room with a lavender filled eye pillow I get on eBay. I take Codeine and imitrex when it’s a migraine. I also apply Activon (used to make Head-on) to forehead. it’s great just don’t get in eyes. Cool rags or ice can help you. Hope this helps.a little. Love, Sheri