Hi everyone. Hope you all are doing better each day, fighting and never giving up hope.
Well I am a little freaked out here and am in need of advice. For the last 20 days I get this weird feeling on the side of my knee. Its like when you get dry skin and you feel it pulling in (though its not really dry skin at all). I am not sure how to put it, but its like something pulls me there every time I try to move. Initially I ignored it, but its kind of growing towards my thighs. And now a small patch of my skin feels mildly numb. I can feel a needle sticking there but no pain.
I don’t really know if this is just a minor thing that shall pass, or should I talk to my reuhmy about it. I have to see him in 2 weeks. All kind of suggestions are welcome. Thanks for reading.
Ok I’ve never heard that one before! Since my diagnosis I’ve had all kinds of weird dry patches that itch on my skin as well as these flat, sort of indented brown spots. Lovely!
As long as that spot doesn’t interfere with walking or is not causing you acute pain it sounds like something that can wait for the rheumy appt. Definitely bring it up though.
Let us know what you find out!
I had that when i was on prednisone. It went away after. Always bring up concerns with ur rhemy even if they are wierd! We all have had wierd things dealing with this disease!
I believe it is the thickening of collagen under the skin watch your sun exposure. Could just be lupus stress in myofacial tissue; I try to deal with all of this stuff day to day, good on some days worse on others. Being as happy as I can make myself be. Just trying to meditate and doing breathing to increase positive oxygen flow, and lots of water. Hope it helps some. Linda
This sounds like it might be a description for the beginning of mono-neuropathy and is worthy of a discussion with your rheumatologist.
Have you fallen lately? Possibly injured your spine or leg? The reason I ask is because my right leg, from my knee to my hip, the skin is numb. Not totally numb, but there is a definite loss of feeling. Mine is caused by a spinal injury from an accident I was in years ago...however...there are immunological diseases that can affect nerves. I would definitely talk to your rheumy.
I had an injury from a spinal anesthetic many years ago. In recent years a numb spot has begun and slowly spreads on my upper leg in the same spot where I had pain during the spinal. Always good to tell rheumy though. Better safe than sorry.
thank you everyone for taking time out and reply. i will definitely have a word with my reuhmy and will post here whatever he says.
Dearest Pollen G: Systemic Lupus can affect any part of a patient’s body. Sounds like you may have peripheral nerve involvement. It’s common. Do you have numbness and cold sensitivity in your fingers and toes, too? Some of us have nerve problems when we get cold or stressed…some have it all the time. Mental “fogginess” and difficulty concentrating affects is another common issue.
it does sound like possible few things in the connective tissue disease arena. try to either get a very clear photo of it or ask your doc if you can walk in while it is occurring. Even could be discoid lupus.skin kind but sounds more this other one. Nothing to worry about since it is treatable.
good wishes...again please try to not worry as it is treatable. might even be dry skin...severe kind. I get the patches and you described mine exactly so might just be that on it's own.
well.. here is the update. my reuhmy referred me to a dermatologist. He said it is possible to have nerve damage due to spinal issue, or simply by Lupus. but before that he wants to be sure its nothing related to skin or any sort of infection. to rule that out, i have an appointment with a dermatologist in two weeks. lets see what he has to say. will keep you all updated. thanks for the suggestions. :)
I'm glad your rheumy is being attentive and helping you out with this, pg.
Thank you everyone for the support. Finally it turned out to be acute vitamin b12 deficiency. The credit goes to corticosteroids I have been taking for over two years now. I would advice everyone to keep an eye on their b12 level, who are taking steroids for some period of time.
I never heard about that before, glad it is something simple. Last time I saw my rheumy, he said my blood work was fine. I went to the nephrologist The Next Day, and and he said I was severly anemic snd put me on iron. I had the bloodwork the same day. Sometimes I wonder if they are paying attention.